When your child decides he wants a “guys’ night,” you can’t refuse. It’s an unwritten rule among moms. So, you do what any responsible mother would do – you confirm that the guests are invited and ensure the snacks are ready. For an uncle party, that translates to pizza, beer, and bacon! And, don’t forget the dog treats.
The first arrival is Uncle Stan, who stands out a bit as he walks on four legs and is notably short. If you’re raising your eyebrows now with imaginary question marks floating above your head, that’s alright. Uncle Stan is a schnauzer.
Uncle Stan is the “little brother” of Lexie Echols and resides with her parents. When Lexie’s human siblings moved out and started their own families, he took on the role of Uncle Stan. He even has internet fame. Lexie lives approximately a half mile from her parents, and Uncle Stan often makes the trek up the hill to alleviate his loneliness. To delve deeper into Uncle Stan’s adventures, make sure to follow them on TikTok.
Back to the uncle party: All the uncles were invited, and they all made it! They chatted, laughed, and relished each other’s company. Lexie’s son distributed massive hugs to everyone.
The gathering included more kids, babies, and dogs. Pizza was on the menu for everyone, with the adults sipping on beer. We’re confident that bacon was around somewhere, and, of course, the dog treats were plentiful!
What a fantastic way to let your child express themselves! Embracing spontaneous family time is always a good idea. With Uncle Stan taking charge of the festivities, everyone had a splendid time!