A Game Warden Caught A Little Boy Fishing – HILLARIOUS!

The game warden inquired of the young boy, “Could I see your fishing license, please?” The boy nonchalantly responded, “No, sir. I don’t need any of those papers. These fish here are my pets.” “Pet fish?!” exclaimed the warden. “Yes. Once a week, I bring my fish down to the lake and let them swim for a while. Then when I whistle, they swim right back into my net, and I take them home.”

The warden, skeptical, retorted, “What a story… you’re under arrest.” Little Johnny insisted, “It’s the truth, I’ll show you! We do this all the time!” “We do, now, do we?” smirked the warden. “Prove it!” Little Johnny released the fish into the lake and stood patiently.

After a few minutes, the warden inquired, “Well?” Little Johnny responded, “Well, what?” Confused, the warden asked, “When are you going to call them back?” Little Johnny, with a mischievous grin, replied, “Call who back?” The warden frustratedly questioned, “The fish!” Little Johnny innocently asked, “What fish?”

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