11 Years Ago, the Birth of These Quadruplets Captured the Attention of the Entire World. Take a Look at Them Now!

The Carles family has something super rare— their daughters are identical quadruplets, the only ones in England and the 27th set in the whole world.

When Mama Julia had them, it wasn’t an easy delivery. The girls were born too early, and Julia had to have a C-section. The doctors didn’t even think about other options because they had to make sure all five lives were safe.

Now, these sisters are always together—going to the doctor, to school, and hanging out at friends’ parties. Even though they’re 11 years old, life didn’t start off easy for them. Holly and Jessica were really tiny when they were born, but they caught up with the others, and now you can’t tell them apart.

When they were babies, Julia had to mark their legs with initials using a felt-tip pen just to tell who’s who.

At five years old, Georgie, Holly, Ellie, and Jessica started modeling. Sainsbury’s supermarket noticed them and took pictures of them in their school uniforms for ads. Their mom liked that they got free clothes, making it easier for her with all the playing and washing.

Having identical quadruplets is super rare—like one in 64 million odds. No wonder they’re like celebrities in their neighborhood, always getting attention.

Even though they look the same, their personalities are totally different. They each have their own style, and their parents are happy about that!

Full documentary and special video below:

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11 Years Ago, the Birth of These Quadruplets Captured the Attention of the Entire World. Take a Look at Them Now!
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