A heartwarming tale of triumph against all odds unfolds as three siblings, Morgan, Sinai, and Tony Hicks, embark on their college journey as a united front. Born prematurely at just 27 weeks, these resilient triplets, now grown up and thriving, are defying their challenging start in life by pursuing higher education together. Morgan and Sinai Hicks have chosen Spelman College, while their brother, Tony Hicks, is enrolled at Morehouse College. Both institutions are historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) nestled in the vibrant metro area of Atlanta, Georgia.
The Hicks triplets’ remarkable journey began with a tumultuous entrance into the world. Weighing in at a mere 2 pounds, Tony, and a fragile 1.1 pounds each, Morgan and Sinai, they fought to survive those critical early days. Their father’s wedding ring could encircle their delicate wrists, underscoring their incredible fragility. These initial challenges only served to fortify their eventual success.
In a heartening twist of fate, the triplets defied the grim predictions of doctors who initially doubted their chances of survival. Their steadfast spirit not only brought them through their initial hardships but also led them to academic excellence. With a collective high school grade point average (GPA) surpassing 3.5, the triplets achieved a feat few can claim: acceptance into more than 40 colleges and universities. Their journey is a testament to resilience and the boundless power of determination.
Amidst their shared triumphs, the triplets are far from a uniform trio. Each sibling boasts their own distinct ambitions, passions, and dreams. As their mother, Sharnetta Hicks, aptly points out, they are unique individuals, each deserving of their own path. Their academic prowess was supplemented by their tenacious efforts to secure scholarships, as they diligently penned essays and tirelessly sought opportunities to lighten the financial burden of their education. These siblings, who once clung to life with extraordinary strength, now embrace the adventure of shaping their own futures.
As they begin this new chapter, the Hicks family reflects on the remarkable transformation they’ve witnessed. From their early days of fragility, when 30 bottles a day and 900 diapers a month dominated their world, to the current moment where independent young scholars are poised to earn their college degrees, the journey has been extraordinary. Tony Hicks Sr., the father, echoes his pride in his children’s accomplishments, emphasizing the significance of their growth and eagerness to embrace their education.
The Hicks triplets embody resilience, unity, and the power of dreams fulfilled. Their shared path from premature infancy to college-bound success is not only a testament to their individual spirits but also a reminder of the potential for triumph against adversity. This triumphant tale of growth and achievement serves as an inspiration, a testament to the unwavering dedication of a family, and a celebration of the transformative power of education.