A heartwarming tale unfolded when rescuers stumbled upon a distressed dog that had been missing for an astonishing three years. The emotional moment of reuniting the pooch, known as Binky or Mr. B., with his family was truly touching.
Imagine the surprise and joy of the owners of an 18-year-old poodle mix when they received a notification from Dorchester Paws, revealing that their beloved lost pet had been found. What made it even more unbelievable was that Binky was discovered six hours away from their home! Despite the dog’s unkempt and rough appearance, he was still alive!
The journey that brought Binky to the shelter was shared by Lanea Wilson and April Howard, members of the shelter staff. A kind-hearted “good Samaritan” had found him abandoned on the side of the road and brought him to their facility for care. When Binky arrived, his condition was appalling. He was terribly matted and infested with fleas, malnourished, filthy, and gripped by fear. His neglected state was evident from his overgrown nails and lack of proper care.
What made it possible to trace Binky’s owners was the presence of a microchip. They learned that Binky had gone missing when his family was preparing to move. Desperate to find him before leaving, they postponed their departure and reached out to local shelters in a bid to locate their beloved companion. Their biggest fear was leaving him behind.
Regrettably, they couldn’t find Binky in time before they had to move to their new home in a different town in Georgia. The mystery remains as to how Binky ended up all the way in Summerville, South Carolina, and what he went through during his long absence from home.
The heartwarming reunion of Binky and his family after three long years serves as a testament to the enduring bond between humans and their furry friends. Watch the touching moment as this lost dog finally finds his way back home.