A heartwarming story from Peyton, Colorado, has captured the attention of people all over as Mollie, a donkey, had an extraordinary encounter after two decades of solitude. Mollie, who now resides at Marill Ranch, was saved from a place where she had never experienced the companionship of other donkeys, according to Jennifer Marill, the ranch owner.
Therefore, when Mollie finally had the chance to meet a fellow donkey after 20 long years, her response became an internet sensation. The emotional rollercoaster she went through upon meeting her own kind was truly remarkable. Today, Mollie has not just one donkey, but three companions to wander the vast landscapes of the ranch together.
@totalygoat First time in 20 years our rescue donkey Molly gets to have her own kind live with here. Exciting day at Marill Ranch. #goodmorning #donkey #jackass #ranch #memorialday ♬ original sound