In a memorable episode of “The Carol Burnett Show,” Carol Burnett and Tim Conway portray a couple revisiting their wedding destination in Mexico after ten years. They find themselves in the exact same room as before, and their skepticism about its quality lingers.
As they prepare for bed, Carol suddenly cries out in alarm, believing something has touched her. Tim, playing the role of Henry, dismisses it as her imagination and jokingly points to Carol’s feet as the source. Carol reacts with anger before finally settling down.
However, the comedy continues as Carol once again screams, claiming she almost stepped on a dresser. Soon, they discover a harmless creature, which Henry jokingly tries to punch but ends up applying antiperspirant on it instead. Placing the cup with the creature aside, they return to bed, and Carol insists that Henry checks if the cup is still there when the lights go out again. To their surprise, the glass shatters and the lights turn on, leading Carol to speculate that the creature is harboring resentment.
In a panic, she commands Henry not to move and informs him that the creature is on the back of his neck. Fearful, Henry rushes outside but finds himself locked out by Carol. Eventually, she grants him access again, and they both get back into bed. However, this time, Henry has a large lizard on his back, much to the amusement of the audience. Carol faints upon seeing it, and the entire sketch proves to be hilariously entertaining from start to finish.