Teens Stumble Upon Mysterious ‘Frozen’ Creature Under Car, Astonishing Vet with Their Find!

One day, two teens named Jaydon Pettipas and Aidan Hart were hanging out in their neighborhood in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. They noticed a bunch of people gathered around a car, and saw a creature that looked like it was stuck and couldn’t move. They weren’t quite sure what to do, but they knew they had to help the animal.

They found out that the stuck creature was a squirrel, but it was hard to tell because it was covered in insulation foam. It was in a really bad spot under a car. They were determined to help, so they got a small milk crate from a nearby grocery store to put the squirrel in. Nobody else around seemed to know what to do, so the boys asked their friends and family for help.

Jaydon’s mom ended up calling a vet clinic 20 miles away. The vet, Dr. Melanie Eagan, was shocked when she saw the squirrel. She guessed that the squirrel probably got stuck in the foam when someone was trying to patch a hole in their garage or shed.

To get the foam off, she had to carefully use rubbing alcohol and a comb. It took a while, but thanks to the boys and their mom, the squirrel was saved and could be released back into the wild. The boys’ quick thinking turned them into local heroes.

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Teens Stumble Upon Mysterious ‘Frozen’ Creature Under Car, Astonishing Vet with Their Find!
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