Can You Identify Which Continent These Countries Belong To? 65% of Americans Can’t.

According to a recent study, nearly two-thirds of Americans struggle to correctly identify which continent certain countries are located in. The study presented participants with a list of countries and asked them to select the corresponding continent from a multiple-choice list. Surprisingly, only 35% of respondents were able to answer all the questions correctly. The findings suggest a gap in Americans’ knowledge of geography and highlight the need for improved education on the topic.

Scroll down to the end to find the correct answers.

1. Which continent is Yemen situated on?

a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. Australia

2. On which continent will you find Brazil?

a. North America
b. Europe
c. Africa
d. South America

3. On which continent will you find Guatemala?

a. Australia
b. North America
c. South America
d. Africa

4. On which continent will you find Sierra Leone?

a. North America
b. Europe
c. Africa
d. South America

5. On which continent will you find Malta?

a. North America
b. Europe
c. Africa
d. South America

6. On which continent will you find Nicaragua?

a. South America
b. Asia
c. North America
d. Africa

7. On which continent will you find Portugal?

a. Europe
b. Australia
c. North America
d. South America

8. On which continent will you find Laos?

a. Asia
b. Australia
c. Africa
d. Europe

9. On which continent will you find Turkey?

a. Asia
b. North America
c. Europe
d. Africa

10. On which continent will you find Egypt?

a. South America
b. Europe
c. Africa
d. Asia

11. On which continent will you find Kyrgyzstan?

a. South America
b. Europe
c. Africa
d. Asia

12. On which continent will you find Belize?

a. Europe
b. Africa
c. North America
d. South America

13. On which continent will you find Ecuador?

a. Australia
b. Africa
c. North America
d. South America

14. On which continent will you find Lesotho?

a. Australia
b. Africa
c. North America
d. South America


1. Yemen – Asia

2. Brazil – South America

3. Guatemala – North America

4. Sierra Leone – Africa

5. Malta – Europe

6. Nicaragua – North America

7. Portugal – Europe

8. Laos – Asia

9. Turkey – Asia

10. Egypt – Africa

11. Kyrgyzstan – Asia

12. Belize – North America

13. Ecuador – South America

14. Lesotho – Africa

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Can You Identify Which Continent These Countries Belong To? 65% of Americans Can’t.
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