We all know and love the classic nursery rhyme, ‘Old Macdonald Had a Farm,’ but have you ever heard it sung by a 23-month-old toddler? Meet Josie, the adorable little girl who melted millions of hearts with her endearing rendition of the popular children’s tune. In a video that went viral in 2014, Josie can be seen singing the song with animal puppets on her tiny hands, starting off with pigs on the imaginary farm. She may miss some of the words, but when you’re as cute as Josie, it doesn’t matter how many words you miss!
Throughout the video, Josie’s infectious smile never fades, and she sings her heart out to each animal on the farm, including a little dog, little cat, little chickens, and a little duck. Her grand finale is a rousing “ee I ee I oh,” which she belts out with all her might. After finishing the song, Josie congratulates herself with a big “yay” and when her father asks her what song she just sang, she responds with the cutest little voice, “Umm, piggy, and cow, and piggy, and little duck, little doggie, little cat.” Josie’s adorable singing has been viewed almost 13 million times on YouTube, with 54k liking her version of the nursery rhyme. It’s hard not to fall in love with this precious little girl and her heartwarming performance!
As adults, we often get caught up in the stresses of life and forget about the simple joys of childhood. Josie’s video is a reminder of the pure and innocent happiness that can be found in something as simple as singing a nursery rhyme. It’s no wonder why her video has been viewed millions of times and continues to bring joy to people around the world. Josie may not sing the song perfectly, but her enthusiasm and sweet personality are what make her performance so special. We could all use a little bit of Josie’s contagious positivity in our lives!
Watch the video below: