21 Brilliant Parenting Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed… No9 is Our Favorite…

Parenting can be one of the most fulfilling experiences in life, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. From running errands to managing homework and household chores, it can be overwhelming for many parents to find time for themselves. However, with some ingenious parenting hacks, you can make life a little easier and perhaps even carve out some “me” time. In this article, we’ve compiled 21 brilliant parenting hacks that you never knew you needed to make your life as a parent more manageable and enjoyable. So, read on and discover these game-changing hacks that will make your life as a parent a breeze!

1. Use a laundry basket to keep your child and bath toys in one place during bath time.

2. Avoid using a stool in your bathroom by flipping a drawer upside-down.

3. Teach your kids the appropriate amount of toilet paper to use with a reference to “Lord of the Rings”.

4. Protect your child’s bottom from cold toilet seats by using socks.

5. Allowing children to play with an unplugged video game controller is a short-lived but enjoyable activity for the first few years.

6. Transform a table into a baby hammock by securing a fitted sheet around it.

7. Or create a sand-free area at the beach by laying a fitted sheet on the sand.

8. Cover your child’s pack ‘n play with a crib sheet to shield them from bug bites.

9. Before bedtime, spray “monster spray” in your child’s room to keep the bed monster-free and ensure a peaceful night’s sleep for everyone.

10. Reuse empty DVD cases as a portable art kit for car rides by filling them with paper and colored pencils.

11. Transform an old crate into a toy car parking garage by filling it with empty toilet paper tubes.

12. Clean plastic toys such as LEGOs by washing them in a mesh garment bag at least once a month.

13. Prevent babies from pulling books off the shelf by using bicycle inner tubes.

14. Prevent slipping on hardwood floors by decorating your child’s socks with puffy paint to create a non-slip surface.

15. Repurpose your child’s old crib into a creative art and homework station.

16. For kids who love to draw, this idea is perfect. Simply pull and tear for a fresh sheet of paper whenever they need it.

17. Pool noodles have eliminated the discomfort of landing on trampoline springs, sparing kids today from the painful experience.

18. Raising multiple children presents unique challenges. This clever dad solved the problem of backseat bickering with cardboard dividers.

19. To help your child fall asleep, start by rubbing their back and then switch to a glove filled with beans.

20. Make mornings less stressful by putting stickers in your toddler’s shoes to help them identify the correct feet.

21. Use a cardboard box to contain your toddler’s creativity and keep them occupied.

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21 Brilliant Parenting Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed… No9 is Our Favorite…
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