#Platform88 is a project that Yamaha and Transport for London collaborated on. It installs pianos around the underground stations of the busy metropolis so that passengers can play the piano if they so choose.
Imagine how happy everyone was when professional Brendan Kavanagh and another great musician came in for a mix of beautiful songs.
Live music performances that take place in unexpected locations are just fantastic. In a crowded public setting, an impromptu piano performance might generate a large audience of appreciative spectators. The audience in this instance received a better performance than normal.
A senior citizen sits down at a public piano and begins to play some jazz standards. He is obviously enjoying his music, and others are listening as the majority of people hurry by.
A stranger approaches the piano and plays along with it with one hand. The older man continues to sing while turning to face the audience, grinning and speaking briefly. Even though they play together, the men converse a little.
Even though the two men have never met and have never performed music together, their song sounds like a well-rehearsed duet. A few individuals have paused to take note by the time their song comes to a close. Several cellphone cameras are capturing the magic as appreciative spectators cheer.
The younger man joins in when the older man begins playing some Mozart, playing the upper piano notes once more with just one hand. The men quickly transition from song to song before starting an upbeat piece of American jazz.
They appear to have been performing duets together for a very long time. The newcomer alternates between playing with one and two hands, simply giving his own tiny touches to the music and letting the melody of the artist seated in the chair shine.
At this point, a crowd has begun to develop, and the two musicians begin playing a jovial song with an Irish feel. The performers alternate positions a few times while conversing and even playing brief passages from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.
Interestingly, the new performer was really Brendan Kavanagh, a well-known British pianist who goes by the moniker “Dr. K.” As it turns out, much to the pleasure of fans and onlookers, Kavanagh enjoys turning up and joining impromptu pianists.