This is one of the most original and touching pregnancy revealing video ever…

It’s a big event to tell your husband he’s going to be a father. More mothers are beginning to use truly original methods to spread their good news. No different was Nikk Rock. She desired to take an unconventional approach to something. So she requested assistance from the local police in putting on a genuinely unique vehicle ride.

Rock wanted to announce her pregnancy to Jarred Wright in a special way in April 2017. She took a seat and gave it some serious thought. She made the decision to involve the Hurst Police Department, and they agreed. She was aware that her husband wouldn’t anticipate it.

They were stopped by a police officer while driving. Wright, who was operating the vehicle, showed signs of confusion as to why he had been stopped. When the police approached the car, Wright recognized him as a buddy named Todd Colichia. But even so, Wright continued to experience anxiety.

Colichia made some small conversation, then inquired about general topics before explaining why he had stopped them. He explained to Wright that the reason he had stopped them was because he was operating the vehicle while the infant was inside but not in a car seat.

a puzzled Wright continued by saying that he is not a parent. He was repeatedly asked by the police if he was certain. He then nodded in the direction of Rock, who, to her husband’s surprise, had been recording the entire conversation the entire time. She also had a pregnancy test in her hand. Wright realized what was going on as he turned to gaze at her, which caused a shift in expression. Rock later confirmed that they are in fact operating a vehicle without a car seat while the baby is inside!

In the video, Wright initially looked at his wife incredulously before beaming with a smile as the full impact of the wonderful news reached him. He leaned over and took Rock’s pregnancy test. Colichia began congratulating the soon-to-be father in the meantime. Then Colichia’s companion showed up on the passenger side window with a huge bag filled with presents for Wright. “Dad, see you on your birthday,” was written on a small teddy bear that Wright took out of the bag. Wright would apparently receive a double surprise from the baby since it was also due on his birthday! He also produced a baby onesie with the words “I my fantastic dad” on it.

The couple was delighted to learn of the baby’s birth, especially Wright, an army combat veteran who had served in Afghanistan from 2013 to 2014 and was suffering from PTSD. Wright launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise money after the video of the unexpected pregnancy announcement went viral in order to cover the cost of frequent medical visits.

“I’ve been having trouble with my psychiatric issues; twice in the previous six months, I’ve been admitted to an inpatient hospital, and I’ve gone to the ER a lot for panic and anxiety episodes. In fact, I met the cops in the video in November 2016 after a terrifying panic attack, and ever then he’s become a fantastic supporter of my family and I,” he added.

Wright was able to raise $2,495 in total, which is more than his $2,000 goal, thanks to 56 donations. We’re delighted for Wright and Rock and thankful that they recorded the adorable video of their pregnancy announcement so we can view it again whenever we need a little encouragement!

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This is one of the most original and touching pregnancy revealing video ever…
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