The young couple kept expecting their first baby secret… See their family reaction when they appeared with the kid…

These days, keeping a secret is difficult. Nowadays, it is virtually hard to withhold anything from your friends and family, whether you have a new job or a new car.

It takes a pretty cunning individual to keep life-changing information private when our loved ones are always just a text message or phone call away, following us on Facebook and Instagram. But one couple actually did that.

A couple recently shared a popular video online documenting the responses of their family members to some important news: the arrival of a new baby!

The pair usually doesn’t keep their child a secret for nine months, but that’s exactly what occurred with baby Ivy and her parents Bern and Hannah, even if most people are astonished to learn of a new addition to the family.

The pair managed to conceal both the pregnancy and the newborn’s birth through some mysterious means. Following Hannah’s pregnancy, they made fun of the “secret” of her pregnancy with a select group of friends and relations. However, they decided to hold off on the real big reveal until after Ivy was born.

Nobody saw Ivy until the pair showed up at their relatives’ home ten months later! The family’s reaction when the newborn was introduced to them all was captured on camera by the sly secret keepers. That’s undoubtedly one way to get a family reunion going!

The couple stood outside the front door with baby Ivy in tow, anticipating the reaction of the family but also feeling anxious. Even though the birth of a new baby is joyous news, some people don’t always take secrets well.

The responses they got, though, were nothing short of priceless.

The pair was said to have made a surprise visit by the family members. They had no idea how much of a shock that would be. Each member of the family gradually came to understand that they had a cute new visitor. The family was overcome with delight and wonder as they laughed, screamed, hugged, and sobbed.

Everyone in the house recognizes they now have a new cousin, niece, or granddaughter to rejoice at this moment, which is truly beautiful. Birth is a remarkable event, and it is lovely to see everyone rejoice over baby Ivy’s arrival.

Watch the video to see their reaction:

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