What was the real big deal for David Bowie’s and Iman’s marriage right from the beginning?…

Prior to Iman Abdulmajid’s passing in 2016, David Bowie and Iman Abdulmajid had been wed for 24 years. But their love story actually began much earlier, as a result of a blind date that fundamentally altered everything.

Legendary lovers David Bowie and Iman Abdulmajid’s enduring romance was only made possible by a matchmaker’s intervention. Teddy Antolin, a longtime friend and hairstylist of Bowie, is the one who accepts credit.

The considerate friend has been upfront about setting up the couple, emphasizing that he did it since his friend was becoming more and more alone.

Once Antolin thought, “David felt really isolated. David put in a lot of effort every day, and yet there he was, all by himself.” Antolin pointed out that in the 1980s, Bowie was at the pinnacle of his international renown. He decided to step in and arrange up a blind date since he didn’t want to see his longtime friend live a miserable existence.

He begged Bowie to attend his birthday celebration in Los Angeles and also invited the notorious supermodel Iman. Though neither were aware of his motivation, he was happy to show up for a friend.

Bowie was dressed in white as the two arrived at the venue, while Iman was dressed in all-black, which matched her Mercedes. They were expecting a birthday celebration, but instead found a four-person date at an otherwise deserted New York restaurant.

Antolin remembered how perfect the pair were in their attire, which, by chance, complimented one another. Iman commanded the room’s attention the instant she entered, and the singer didn’t take his gaze off of her.

Bowie was dressed in white as the two arrived at the venue, while Iman was dressed in all-black, which matched her Mercedes. They were expecting a birthday celebration, but instead found a four-person date at an otherwise deserted New York restaurant.

Antolin remembered how perfect the pair were in their attire, which, by chance, complimented one another. Iman commanded the room’s attention the instant she entered, and the singer didn’t take his gaze off of her.

It took the supermodel a few months to understand that she felt the same way for him. When he once bent down to tie her shoelace in the middle of the street, something changed for her.

Then she understood he was her soul match. The couple got engaged just a few months after starting to date. It’s noteworthy that Iman declined Bowie’s first proposal.

She wanted him to get to know some people first and realize that by marrying her, he was also marrying her entire tribe. Fortunately, she accepted his second proposal and has never looked back. David Bowie and Iman got married on April 24, 1992, sealing the deal two years after they initially met.

It’s true that the couple’s desire to parent together dates back to the beginning of their relationship. However, it took the couple ten years before they gave birth to Alexandria Jones, their only child together.

Bowie added that they waited to make sure the conditions were “exactly correct,” which helped to explain why it took them so long to become parents despite wanting it “more than anything else.” Furthering, he stated:

“We didn’t want to put ourselves under excessive strain for the first several years of the baby’s life. This connects us in a fantastic way on both sides.”

The couple, who each had children from previous relationships, were ecstatic when the infant at last came. After the baby was born, Bowie acknowledged in an interview that their daughter had enriched their lives beyond measure, gave them joy, and brought them closer together.

The names they chose for their child, which held special meaning for them, were a reflection of their intimacy. Alexander was one of Bowie’s favorite baby names for a very long time, he recalled.

He was shocked when his wife, who had no idea of his desire, suggested one day that they name their unborn daughter Alexandria after the Greco-Egyptian city if they have a girl. It was a done deal after he realized how similar the name was to his preferred option.

Undoubtedly, Bowie was more affected by the birth of their daughter than he knew. In a 2003 interview, the singer-songwriter was open about the child’s profound influence on his life.

Since she was born, he has felt compelled to write vehemently and with a more upbeat tone, even while writing about troubling subjects.

That, he thought, was his unconscious attempt to stop himself from foreshadowing her destiny. Overall, Alexandria’s birth helped Bowie adopt a more optimistic outlook.

Ian had the same goals for their daughter’s future as her husband did. She therefore objected to the thought of her daughter becoming a model like herself despite her devastating beauty.

She also wanted to prevent the daughter from becoming just another celebrity couple’s star kid, like many of her contemporaries. As a result, the pleased mother was compelled to decline requests from many modeling agencies to sign Alexandria.

The couple’s daughter thought Iman was being overly careful even if she loved those offers. Her mother, however, helped her realize that it was in her best interests to lead a private life.

Like her well-known father, Alexandria grew up to become an artist, and she even encouraged her mother to start painting. She also possessed her father’s gift for lyric poetry and became a poet and vocalist.

Despite not being as well-known as Bowie, the actress has built herself a sizable fan base by posting her poetry on her open Instagram. Her writings mostly deal with feminism’s themes of love, intimacy, and autonomy.

In February 2021, she posted her first song to Instagram, which became viral after her half-brother Duncan Jones praised her vocal prowess on Twitter. Hopefully, Alexandra has many more accomplishments in store for the world after inheriting her dad’s artistic DNA.

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