A woman was performing an Irish dance, but it was the little girl who stole the show…

Street dancing takes many diverse forms all around the world. Visitors pause from their shopping and other errands to stop and watch the many impromptu dance performances as a free and interesting diversion. Ireland’s streets serve as the stage for many of these dancing performances. A recent special guest performance took place on Galway Street in west Ireland.

The audience was just as entertained as the main performer, which is unusual because performers are typically the ones who provide the entertainment.

A large throng gathered to witness the woman’s lively performance as she danced to the swift beat of an exuberant Irish tune while wearing a dark green velvet outfit. She spotted a young girl in the audience imitating her movements as she was performing.

The young performer enthralled and pleased the lady dancer. She danced with the adorable little thing and took her into the spotlight.

She pulled the child closer to center stage so that everyone could appreciate the amazing and oh-so-cute moves of her guest dancer by paying special attention to her, laughing with her, and beaming at her from the center.

These were without a doubt some of the happiest times of the day for everyone involved. The small child was clearly enjoying herself, and the lady dancer and audience members were delighted to have the tiny girl perform for them.

Watch the video to see the little girl stealing the show:

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A woman was performing an Irish dance, but it was the little girl who stole the show…
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