Firefighter who attempted to save Princess Diana reveals her devastating final four words and how he’d save her…

It’s incredible to consider that Diana, Princess of Wales, has been gone for 21 years.

In 1997, the ex-wife of Prince Charles and her companion Dodi Fayed perished in a car accident in Paris; however, conspiracy theorists have long sought to refute the official account of what happened.

The Daily Star, a British newspaper, reports that Princess Diana’s final words have been made public. by the same fireman who made an effort to save her life.

It’s impossible to consider that Diana, Princess of Wales, has been gone for over 24 years.

In 1997, the ex-wife of Prince Charles and her companion Dodi Fayed perished in a vehicle accident in Paris; however, conspiracy theorists have long sought to refute the official account of what happened.

According to reports, Princess Diana’s final words have been made public. by the same fireman who made an effort to save her life.

One of the first emergency personnel on the scene when the automobile Diana was riding in crashed while traveling at 152 mph through the Pont de I’Alma tunnel in Paris was Xavier Gourmelon.

Gourmelon, who is now 50 years old, arrived at Diana’s location shortly after the collision and was present to hear what would be her dying words.

Evidently, when the firefighter first got at the site, he had no idea who was in the automobile. He stated:

“The car was a disaster, but we just handled it like any other traffic collision,”

“To me, this was just another routine traffic accident, one of many that the emergency services have to handle, with the typical culprits of speed and a drunk driver,”

“I could see that she had a minor injury to her right shoulder, but nothing more serious. She had absolutely no blood on her.

I calmed her and held her hand while telling her to be quiet and steady. I also mentioned I was there to help.

The final words of Princess Diana
Diana was riding in the rear of a Mercedes S-280 at the time of the accident with her partner Dodi Fayed, the son of Egyptian tycoon Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Trevor Rees-Jones, her bodyguard, and driver Henri Paul were seated up front.

The princess was still awake when Gourmelon, the firefighter, arrived on the scene. She reportedly said, “My God, what’s happened,” as her final words.

On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was brought to a hospital in Pitie-Salpetriere, France, where she was later declared dead.

Xavier Gourmelon returned to the neighborhood fire station where he was serving a double weekend shift after Diana was brought to the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital.

According to Gourmelon, Diana had a good chance of surviving.

Sincerely, I believed she would survive. She was alive when she was in the ambulance, as far as I was aware, and I anticipated that she would survive. But I later learned that she had passed away in a hospital.

The princess died as a result of severe internal bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel close to her heart, according to the official report.

Over the years, this has been disputed numerous times, with Mohamed Al-Fayed even claiming that M16 operatives killed his son and Princess Diana.

Watch the video for more details:

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Firefighter who attempted to save Princess Diana reveals her devastating final four words and how he’d save her…
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