This young man started singing “Victory of Jesus” where his lovely grandmother was hospitalized, and here’s what happened next…

Bo Steel is really close with his grandmother. Bo’s grandmother, who had a history of very bad illness, ended up in the hospital.

As his cherished gramma lay in that hospital bed, Bo was deeply worried and starting to feel tense.

Bo was sitting there, feeling numb with worry over his grandmother, when one of the visiting nurses caught his attention.

Even though this illness and Gramma’s admission to the hospital separated them and disrupted their calm lives, Bo remained close to her. Bo seemed to be quite concerned about his grandma, which the nurses caring for Bo’s grandmother noted. He was advised to sing to allay his concerns, so one of them did.

“As I sat there, I felt completely numb. My grandma was in the hospital. Victory in Jesus came to my heart when one of the nurses urged me to “sing something,” and that is what I sang,” he said.

The workers and patients were moved to tears after hearing the traditional gospel song sung in his incredible voice. However, Bo’s voice was heard by others who weren’t just in that vicinity, and they were also struck by the sound.

When the video of Bo’s singing prowess spread like wildfire over the Internet, the music recording industry also got to hear Bo sing. The astute staff at Fire River Records immediately saw a fantastic idea.

As a result, Bo and his bandmates from a local band accepted the recording contract with Fire River Records, and the rest is history in the world of music.

Both lighthearted and sad songs were recorded by the band. But “Victory in Jesus,” the song Bo Steele sang to his grandmother in the hospital, has grown to be the band’s biggest success and is particularly beloved by its followers. Bo claimed that the song has enormous personal significance for both him and his followers.

Watch him singing in the video below:

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This young man started singing “Victory of Jesus” where his lovely grandmother was hospitalized, and here’s what happened next…
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