10-year-old twins claim a voice directed them in saving their drowning dad…Watch the video to know what a mystery it was…

We occasionally come across inspiring stories that are nearly impossible to believe. There are instances when people move quickly to save the ones they care about or when others do something incredibly wonderful for a total stranger. Whatever the case, it’s obvious that amazing things happen all the time.

In June 2022, a pair of twin boys and one of their pals worked together to save their father. In Mountain Brook, Alabama, Brad Hassig was swimming in his backyard pool when a horrific thing took place. When he abruptly passed out, he was practicing some underwater breathing skills. Hassig didn’t have much longer until he was in danger of drowning.

Thankfully, Sam Ebert, one of his sons’ friends, and his two 10-year-old sons, Bridon and Christian, had been in the pool area and had seen everything. Even though they were young, the lads immediately sprung into action and realized that they needed to act quickly.

Hassig was pulled out of the pool and toward the pool stairs by Bridon and Sam after they dove under the water and caught hold of him. Christian, meanwhile, had sprinted away to seek assistance. However, it was obvious that Hassig wasn’t breathing or moving normally, and Bridon understood that his father needed assistance right then. Bridon successfully administered CPR to his father, ultimately saving his life, despite having no prior training and relying only on his limited understanding.

After saving Hassig from drowning, the twins and their companions have been hailed as heroes. Hassig was practicing his breathing techniques underwater because, in his words, he finds it “calm and pleasant.” It’s somewhat of a meditation, he said, “… I don’t recall completing it.

Christian claimed to have seen his father trembling before he fell on his side and turned a very pale blue. The 10-year-old claimed, “I told Bridon, ‘Dad’s not OK.

Sam and Bridon acted swiftly, while Christian fled to seek assistance. Despite the fact that he was unsure of how Bridon started resuscitating his father. He initially received some CPR; after that, Bridon recalled, “I started giving him mouth to mouth, and he started spitting up froth, salt water, and blood.”

Hassig claimed his son was calling out, “Daddy, daddy, come back!” He was taken to the hospital as soon as he came to, according to WBRC, and was then admitted to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. After being freed for 24 hours. Christian remarked, “When he came home, that’s got to be the happiest day of my life.” Bridon acknowledged that he gave his father a long hug.

Christian and Bridon said they had seen movies to learn about CPR. Bridon remarked, “I felt like a voice because it wasn’t them or Sam. I heard a voice in my head saying, “Save your dad,” Jesus placed a hand on our shoulders and led us the entire way.

The Hassig family decided to organize a group training after the dad’s event even though the boys had never received CPR instruction. I adore them, Hassig declared. “I’m grateful and quite proud of them. All of my days will be spent in gratitude.

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10-year-old twins claim a voice directed them in saving their drowning dad…Watch the video to know what a mystery it was…
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