23-year-old rookie police officer rescues a newborn baby choking on gas relief drops…

He was definitely put to the test during his first month of employment.

The newest police officer in Pottsville, Arkansas, prayed for the infant’s welfare when he heard about the choking situation.

But he was “freaking out” on the inside. After all, it’s a major matter if other people depend on you to save their baby’s life!

“Mentally, I just lost it.”

New dad Grady, Joe Chronister’s infant son, began choking and turning purple as he was being administered anti-gas drops!

We were attempting to administer Grady’s medication. and he was handling them perfectly. He began choking just before the end.

Emergency services sent a rookie 23-year-old constable to the family’s aid after they requested assistance.

Office Cody Hubbard had just graduated from the police academy one month prior.
Hubbard came on the scene and reached for baby Grady before starting his task. But in a matter of seconds, “A typical day transformed to a crazy day.”

The infant’s mother appears absolutely helpless while Mary Bratton Chronister, the baby’s grandmother, cradles Grady in her arms while frantically crying, “He’s not breathing, he’s not breathing.”

“You know the strain strikes when a family is depending on you like that.”

Being a father himself, Hubbard stated that he prefers to approach other parents in the same manner as himself. And he had every intention of treating this youngster as if he were his own.

Thankfully, the policeman knew precisely what to do because one of his own children experienced the same situation.
Chronister said, “We were trying everything, but it looked like Hubbard knew just what to do.

Office Hubbard employed a procedure known as “back blows,” which, unlike the Heimlich Maneuver, is safe for infants under the age of one, as the family watched on anxiously.

Grady started to cry after he gave Cody a few hard slaps on the back to help move the gas drips.
That was encouraging because it indicated that he was breathing once more as his lungs began to fill with air.

Officer Hubbard rushed to his vehicle, turned off the bodycam, and sat there sobbing as the reality of what had just occurred set in.
I just started kind of sobbing because, you know, I was happy with way things worked out. Mentally, I’ve simply collapsed. Although I was crying, they were joyful tears.

Hubbard later said, “Pretty much for the Lord to be on my side on this one.

The U.S. Attorney General’s Office later honored Officer Hubbard for his outstanding service and community policing. Only 18 officers nationwide have received the honor; he is one among them.

Joe Chronister, Grady’s father, said: “In my opinion, he is a family friend. Grady may address him as Uncle Cody as he is now a member of the family.

Watch the rescue video below:

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23-year-old rookie police officer rescues a newborn baby choking on gas relief drops…
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