Thanks to a viral Facebook post the recently reunited brothers had the chance to see their lost twin sisters… Watch their emotional video below…

The identical twin sisters had no clue their brothers even existed.

People have been divided into two groups since social media first entered our lives: those who enjoy it and those who detest it.

The latter group tends to blame social media for the fact that people today spend less time genuinely talking with one another. They think it has alienated us and generally has no positive effects on our lives.

But occasionally, even people who loathe social media admit that it may be useful.

Similar to how the brothers met their elder twin sisters on Facebook.

You see, Matt Shaw and Ed Clark had just lately come into contact after learning they were brothers who had been raised by several adoptive families.

After the man had taken a DNA test, Matt, who lives in South Carolina, had gotten in touch with Ed, who resides in Lawrence County. Matt was able to locate and contact his missing brother with the help of the Ancestry DNA website.

The two guys soon crossed paths, and they immediately realized how fortunate they were to have come across one another after spending so much time away.

They then discovered that they might have been adopted along with a set of older twin sisters. They therefore began to consider how they may also locate their sisters.
When Matt and Ed first met, they said, “Well, let’s do it, we’re here. I had seen other people doing something similar to it, and we brought it up and said maybe we should do this Facebook thing. We therefore created the sign. I would have never in a million years imagined that it would have accomplished what it did.

In fact, the men put on a sign that they had two sisters in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania who had been adopted. They were aware of their birth year (1968) and their biological mother’s name Sally.

They therefore shared their sign on social media and watched to see how it performed.

The number of people who shared their tale astounded them. Their petition was shared by thousands of Facebook users, and ultimately their twin sisters Donna and Dana were located.

When the women learned they had more siblings, they were equally shocked. They genuinely had no idea that this would take place.
“We were simply stunned. because we were clueless. You really don’t know, I mean. Then to learn that you have three more siblings in addition to your one, Dana remarked.

The siblings met their families and the twins’ adoptive parents around a month after they came across each other online, and they couldn’t contain their enthusiasm.

They were all delighted to finally meet, and they all decided to start new family customs and attempt to make up for the years they had missed.

What a fascinating tale about a family gathering!

Watch the video below to hear the siblings discuss their emotions!

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Thanks to a viral Facebook post the recently reunited brothers had the chance to see their lost twin sisters… Watch their emotional video below…
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