A little fawn collapsed on the road looking like its broken… Watch the nail-biting rescue below to see what happened…

Everything took place in a span of seconds. Driving with some pals, Steve Knoop, who submitted the video to his YouTube account in 2014, came across a startling sight. There was a newborn fawn lying in the middle of the street.

However, that wasn’t the only unsettling aspect. The fawn’s limbs were awkwardly curled under its torso, giving the impression that it was “hiding” itself. Before something horrible occurred, Steve and his friends slammed on the brakes right away.

Paul stepped out of the car and gingerly walked up to the fawn, according to the video’s description. What he did next to emerge as a genuine hero was captured by his companions. Paul took swift action after realizing the fawn was still alive. Nearby in the woods, the baby’s mother was waiting.

Paul carefully and cautiously studied the deer to make sure it wouldn’t run away. Paul snatched it up after winning the fawn’s confidence. The deer would be in terrible trouble if it were to remain in that position lying on the road, he knew. He carried the fawn into the woods while bundling it up and holding its limbs underneath its torso.

Paul was really daring in what he did.

Watch the video below:

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A little fawn collapsed on the road looking like its broken… Watch the nail-biting rescue below to see what happened…
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