An 18-year-old lifeguard sprung into action last week to assist a couple giving birth at a YMCA pool in Longmont, Colorado.
It was the first time Natalie Lucas, a lifeguard for the past three years, had to assist in bringing life into the world as opposed to only preventing death.
“Many people are saying, “Oh, I wouldn’t have been able to do that, like I would have passed out or freaked out,” to which I reply, I just performed what I was supposed to do.””Lucas said
On the morning of July 24, the native of Longmont was at her pool duty when she saw Tessa Rider and her husband Matthew Jones enter. Then, according to her, Rider entered the pool.
According to her husband, Rider was nine months along with her pregnancy at the time. She was also past her due date. He explained to “GMA” that his wife had been experiencing some discomfort due to the baby pressing against a nerve by her hip. Being in the water seemed to help.
“We probably had that thinking three times in one week: “We’re finally having the baby.” Afterwards, nothing happened “Jones remembered. “There was really not a lot of clarity, and we didn’t know if it would be that day or that week. However, the only thing we could really do was make her as comfortable as we could, which is why we kept going to the pool.”
While Rider was in the water, Lucas kept an eye on her and soon realized that she appeared to want assistance.
When she started crawling out of the pool, Lucas thought, “Okay, I need to go check to make sure everything’s OK there. She had a pool noodle to attempt to relieve some stress from all that weight on the front of her.”
To everyone’s amazement, a more urgent scenario immediately developed when Rider’s water broke while she was on the pool deck, indicating that everything was not well.
“We’re having the baby right now, the husband Matthew informs me as I approach. I respond, “OK!” Immediately after, adrenaline begins to flow, “explained Lucas.
Jones told “GMA” that he promptly dialed 911, but as he spoke to the operator, he saw his wife removing her swimsuit and realized the kid was crowning.
While feeling anxious and “freaking out a little bit,” Lucas insisted that she managed to maintain her composure the entire time.
The 18-year-old added, “I knew I needed to maintain my composure and level-headedness.” “The pair handled everything with a lot of composure as it was happening, which shocked me a little. As a result, I made careful to preserve my composure, stick with them, and keep asking them questions to keep their attention on the baby and to ensure that they were as comfortable as possible.”
By bringing over the medical supplies and towels from the center and making a call to the front desk, Lucas assisted Rider and Jones.
They were only a few feet from the sea, so Lucas continued, “I make sure Tessa is comfortable and attempting to get her set in the greatest position possible.” “Okay, so the cement ground isn’t the best, but let’s support her by having her head rest on the medical bag. I offer Matthew some towels, and within less than five minutes, I would estimate, the baby is born. It was a little crazy.”
Lucas encouraged a passing lap swimmer to dial 911 as Rider was giving birth and Jones grabbed the newborn. After the kid was delivered, the father took a snapshot of the family holding Lucas.
“While on the phone with the operator, we monitored the baby’s respiration and the rise and fall of the chest. To make sure the baby’s airway wasn’t blocked and that he had an open [airway for] breathing, I had to obtain a towel and clean out his mouth. After then, the paramedics arrived in about five minutes “Lucas clarified.
Fortunately, Tobin Thomas Rider was born without any problems, and he now has a lifetime YMCA membership.
Jones expressed his gratitude to Lucas for helping with the birth of his son on “GMA.”
“Natalie reminds me of a doula or a midwife, in terms of her presence. She was totally concentrated on Tessa. I therefore had no need to worry about my wife at that time. I could concentrate solely on Tobin and what he required to be secure and healthy “says he.
“I wouldn’t have been able to focus on Toby without Natalie present. And that, in my opinion, was everything at the time. Tessa wanted me to concentrate on Toby, but she still required care, and Natalie was there to provide it.”
Following that chaotic Sunday, Jones reported that both mom and baby are doing well.
Jones described him as “such a cute little guy, pretty laid back.” “He brought complete pandemonium into the circumstances surrounding his birth. And it’s actually quite the contrary now that he’s out in the world.”
For her part, Lucas claimed that Toby’s unplanned birth was just a normal part of the work and that it was a special day.
I feel like I just did my job and that I handled that scenario appropriately, she added. “Am a lifeguard. In a sense, I was there to save a life and to assist.”
The girl, who is preparing to leave for college at San Diego State University in the autumn, said that the entire event had a lasting impression on her and that she intends to continue sending birthday cards to Tobin and keeping in touch with the family.
“It’s unquestionably something I won’t soon forget, and I’ll repeat the tale for a very long time. But this experience has really opened my eyes to how beautiful women can be, and it’s kind of made me understand that anything can truly happen, and it’s quite cool to go through that with someone and be there for them “said Lucas.
We won’t all be able to forget this event, so I’d like to stay in touch, she continued.
Watch the video to see her feelings and the beautiful family: