Ashton Kutcher’s and Mila Kunis’s children bathing habits arises controversial opinions. Some people find it unacceptable…

Kutcher and Kunis started dating in 2012, and in February 2014, they became engaged. The couple then got hitched in Oak Glen, California, in July 2015. Kutcher was reportedly finalizing his divorce from actress Demi Moore when they started dating. The divorce between Moore and Kutcher became final in 2013. Wyatt, a daughter, and Dimitri, a son, were both born to Kunis and Kutcher. The family resides in a green farmhouse that the couple and architect Howard Backen created for Beverly Hills, California.

Kunis and Kutcher spoke with actor Dax Shepard on his podcast “Armchair Expert” in July 2021. Shephard guided his guests through a discussion regarding bitcoin, Kunis’s new upcoming projects, and the topic of personal hygiene with the assistance of co-host Monica Padman. Continue reading to find out Kunis and Kutcher’s opinions on how frequently kids should take baths.

In a recent “Armchair Expert” episode, when the subject of personal hygiene came up, it was revealed that Kutcher, Kunis, and Shepard only wash “critical body parts” daily. According to Kutcher, he never ever washes his crotch and underarms, but he will “throw some water on my face after a workout to get all the salts off.”

Some folks were shocked to learn this information about personal hygiene. “I can’t believe I’m the only one in this group that washes their entire body in the shower. Who instructed you not to wash? Kunis said, “I didn’t have hot water growing up, so I didn’t shower much anyhow,” to Padman’s question.

Kunis was born in the Soviet Union’s Ukrainian SSR, where she resided until the age of seven. But I didn’t wash them every day when I had kids either, she continued. Never was I that parent that bathed their new babies. This is not unheard of; many parents opt not to bathe their infants daily unless there is a significant mess to clean up. When you think about it, babies don’t perspire as much from playing and running around as kids do.

Some people, however, disagree and believe that kids should always take a bath, regardless of how they appear. The concept of cleanliness is more binary in the Kutcher and Kunis home. Here’s the deal: Clean them if you can see the dirt on them. There is no sense otherwise,” Kutcher said. There are many various opinions on the matter, but a common problem is that kids don’t always like taking showers or baths.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association provides clear recommendations on when parents should bathe their children before and after they reach puberty, even though they may not detail how you should wash in the shower or bathtub. They also offer useful suggestions for parents who are having trouble enticing their children to take a bath.

Before puberty, children only require a wash “at least once or twice a week, when they get dirty, such as playing in the mud, after being in a pool, lake, ocean, or other body of water, when they get sweaty or have body odor, or as often as directed by a dermatologist if getting treatment for a skin disease,” according to the association. Children aged 6 to 11 should be bathed every day, however.

With this knowledge, it appears that Kutcher and Kunis are actually making the proper decisions for their children’s bathing schedules.

The group continued, “Dermatologists advise parents that once puberty begins, kids should take a daily shower or bath. In addition, they should wash their faces twice daily to remove oil and filth and take a bath or shower after exercising, swimming, or otherwise perspiring a lot.

Making bath time feel like playtime will greatly assist kids who dislike doing the dishes. The Association further advises, “Children frequently begin to appreciate bath time by making it interesting. When your child can play with a beloved waterproof toy, listen to favorite stories, read a book designed just for reading in the bathtub, or have an adventure you design to make bath time entertaining, bath time can be enjoyable.

Shepard was informed by Kunis that she and her children didn’t enjoy taking daily baths. I didn’t bathe my infants like the other parent. ever,” the woman said. According to Dr. Friedman, a dermatology professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, excessive bathing might remove the natural moistures that kids need. Because it removes the natural moisturizing components that our skin produces, water is most likely the world’s leading irritant, he said.

Additionally, Kunis and Kutcher are not alone in their opinion on bathing. Shepard and his wife Kristen Bell acknowledged that they do not often bathe their girls. According to the Hollywood couple, they use the “foot smell test.” “I like to wait till something stinks. When you smell something, biology is telling you that you need to clean it up “Bell revealed. “Since it’s really only germs, there is a warning sign. Once you have bacteria, you need to immediately get in the shower or bathtub. I anticipate the stench “Added she.

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal endorsed the opinions of both families. He acknowledged this in a Vanity Fair interview, saying, “More and more I find bathing to be less necessary, at times.” Actor Dwayne Johnson, however, advocates the exact opposite. Johnson stated in a tweet that he is the exact opposite of a celebrity who “does not wash himself.” “When I get out of bed, I take a quick cold shower to start the day. After my workout, I take a warm shower before work. When I get home from work, I take a hot shower. I exfoliate, wash my face, and use body wash while singing off tune in the shower “Added he.

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Ashton Kutcher’s and Mila Kunis’s children bathing habits arises controversial opinions. Some people find it unacceptable…
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