Fall 2017 marked Malia Obama’s first semester at Harvard. Obama reportedly had the gap year that many college students could only imagine, according to W Magazine. She partied in Amsterdam, went to Lollapalooza in Chicago, and started her internship at the Weinstein Company in New York City, which is luckily no longer run by Harvey Weinstein. Obama has also been seen out and about in New York City’s streets and bars, accompanied by her security. Obama could certainly manage herself, though, given her self-assurance and height of almost six feet!
Obama got to know her classmates and the city of Cambridge as a student at Harvard University, where she joined in the fall of 2017 following her epic gap year. After adjusting to life at Harvard for a few months, images of Obama with a man in the shadows started to circulate, raising the question: Who is this man?
Since the inaugural game (then a rugby match), in which Harvard defeated Yale 4-0, in 1875, the Harvard-Yale football rivalry has existed. Students and alumni from both schools around the globe continue to widely celebrate it on the day of the yearly football game. Obama joined in on the Harvard-Yale fun, of course, and she wasn’t the only one.
A video of Malia Obama briefly kissing someone while tailgating her first Harvard-Yale football game was made public just before Thanksgiving in 2017. That is one method of starting a game.
The media at the time had no idea who this young man was. But figuring it out didn’t take long. Rory Farquharson, Obama’s boyfriend, is now widely recognized. Although dating the daughter of a former president doesn’t exactly provide the finest opportunity for incognito, the couple appears to be still going strong. Here is all the information you need to know about Farquharson.
Malia Obama no longer needs to walk the streets of New York City with simply her bodyguards in tow now that her rumored fiancé has been made public. Obama and Rory Farquharson were captured in January 2018 walking and conversing in SoHo, New York City, just a few months after the Harvard-Yale game.
Despite the fact that the two appeared joyful in the pictures, there was something unsettling about what was shown there. Nearly all of the photos from their expedition show Farquharson holding a cigarette.
Given that, according to ABC News, one-third of college students smoke, this may not come as much of a surprise. It’s not exactly a good habit, either way. It may also go without saying that secondhand smoke’s negative consequences are really bad. But hey, at least the couple is taking bottled water around to remain hydrated.
Sadly, Malia Obama likewise seems to have gotten into the habit of smoking. Is Rory Farquharson a negative force in Obama’s life? Perhaps, perhaps not. Although it’s impossible to say for sure who started smoking first, images show that Obama was the first to be spotted with a cigarette.
Michelle Obama spoke on her husband Barack Obama’s prior smoking habit in a 2012 interview, saying, “I am aware that the daughters were eventually instrumental in helping him quit because they are now of an age where hiding is impossible. He probably didn’t want to tell his girls what he was still doing without having to look them in the eye.”
It’s difficult to say if she acquired the habit from her dad or if it was a “social smoking” habit. In any case, let’s hope the ex-first daughter and her lover part ways very soon!
There is no doubting that Rory Farquharson attended a reputable school, regardless of whether you believe he had a negative influence on the former president’s daughter. Farquharson attended Harvard University, one of only eight Ivy League institutions, just like Malia Obama did.
Most likely, this is where the couple initially met. Obama, who had taken a gap year, was a freshman in the 2017–2018 academic year, but Farquharson, who is the same age as Obama, was a registered sophomore.
Obama’s interests were primarily in the arts while he was attending Harvard. On the other hand, Farquharson might be emulating his father Charles. Charles Farquharson is the chief executive of an investment company in London and has a law degree from Cambridge University. The Telegraph also noted that Farquharson followed numerous accounts on Twitter with a focus on finance, indicating at the very least that there is interest.
He is a British. It’s no secret that the majority of Americans adore English accents, so you’re not alone if you obsess for Brits. Given that Malia Obama’s love interest is British, she might be among that majority.
According to The Telegraph, Rory Farquharson was raised on the other side of the water and went to a luxury boarding school where he was a chemical club member. In addition, he received the title “Head of School” for the academic year 2015–2016. Farquharson was not only a bit of a brain, but he was also a jock since he played rugby and golf. The Harvard application requires that, then.
Similar to Obama, Farquharson worked as an intern before enrolling at Harvard. He spent time in Northern Ireland at the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building as opposed to New York. Obama’s man certainly comes out as ambitious! What else would you anticipate from the former American President’s daughter? You have very large shoes to fill.
Does Rory Farquharson have the appearance to pull off street chic? Sure, he has the British accent that gets Americans weak in the knees. Of course! He and Malia Obama are both said to have “mastered New York City street style”.
Farquharson was seen while out with Obama in SoHo wearing a big blue jacket, a simple gray t-shirt, and black jeans, but all eyes were on his tiny sunglasses. Selena Gomez, the Kardashian and Jenner family, Rihanna, and now, of course, Farquharson, have all revived the iconic ’90s fashion. Whether you like them or not, if the Gen Zs are embracing a trend, you’ll undoubtedly see more of it.
Will Obama adopt the trend and don a little pair of her own sunglasses? Time will tell, but she is stylish enough without them even if she doesn’t.
Dating a famous person always appears to come with a price. Rory Farquharson deleted his social media after starting a relationship with Malia Obama. You may be sad to find that all of his social media profiles have been deleted, with the exception of a very small number of images on Facebook, but it makes sense given the attention that comes with high-profile connections. Ask Meghan Markle,
Markle deleted her blog once her relationship with Prince Harry took a serious turn, ceased posting on Instagram, and left Twitter. Ms. Markle is appreciative of everyone who has followed her social media profiles over the years, a royal insider told.
Dating the former president’s daughter is likely the closest you can get to being a member of the American equivalent of royalty, even though Farquharson has no plans to become a duke or prince.
When it came time to compose a letter to his 16-year-old self for his school’s publication, Meteor, Rory Farquharson didn’t hold back. “You’re a tall, overconfident public school boy, urgently trying to prove to your mates how much of a ‘lad,’ you are and have failed spectacularly,” he wrote in it. Ouch. He continued by telling himself that his “floppy mop” wasn’t attractive to women and that he should get a haircut. It appears he hasn’t yet acted on that advise, but fortunately for him, Malia Obama probably doesn’t care too much.
Not all of Farquharson’s letter was negative. He gave himself advice to be adaptable, honest to himself, responsible for his own destiny, and considerate of his friends and family. You’ll engage in a variety of relationships, frequently meet new people, and perhaps even spend some time living overseas, he added. Farquharson apparently has a gift for foreseeing the future. But even so, we bet he never imagined he’d wind up dating one of First Lady Obama’s daughters!
He has connections to the British royal family as well.
As it turns out, Andrew Farquharson’s second cousin is Malia Obama’s boyfriend, according to Express. As the queen’s courtier and then as her assistant master of the household at Buckingham Palace, Andrew had a long career working with her. It’s pretty fantastic, wouldn’t you agree, that Queen Elizabeth II made him a member of her own order of chivalry. Andrew began serving in a similar capacity for Prince Charles in 2006 until being fired in 2009 as a result of, as Clarence House asserted, a “assessment of costs.” Hmm.
You have to wonder if Rory Farquharson ever had the opportunity to meet the queen while his cousin was a servant to the royal family.
President Obama has already talked about his views on his daughters’ maturation and relationships. What would you do when the girls start dating?, ABC News asked you during a phone interview. President Barack Obama reacted, “Oh, it took place. The truth is, I’m really not very worried about it.”
Obama went on, “There are two reasons for this. She’s such a tremendous example of how to carry yourself, to have self-esteem, and to not rely on boys to validate your appearance or, you know, to let anything other than your character and intelligence be the criteria by which you measure yourself. They’re now young ladies who are really solid, intellectual females, so hopefully I’ve set a good example in terms of how I’ve treated my wife. As a result, I don’t worry about it, in my opinion.” Obama later remarked, “They’ve had Secret Service, which is the other justification. They are only capable of so much.”
Is Malia still safeguarded considering that Obama is no longer in office? Although it’s unclear what the former president decided about Malia’s protection, The Washington Post said that the U.S. Secret Service is authorized to provide protection to presidents’ children for up to 10 years after they leave the White House. But rest assured that most people, including her boyfriend Rory Farquharson, will be watching out for her safety.
Despite being reared in the UK, Rory Farquharson undoubtedly still has thoughts about American politics. You’d have to infer that, as Malia Obama’s boyfriend, he leans more liberal than conservative. Whatever his actual political beliefs, based on his one-off social media behavior, he most surely isn’t a fan of Donald Trump.
Farquharson has already expressed his disapproval of President Trump on social media. Farquharson even even shared a post that predicted Trump’s popularity would decline over the course of the year following his victory, a prediction that was widely accepted at the time.
Dinners with the Obamas probably might have become a little awkward if Farquharson had backed Trump. That is, if the smoking and Michelle Obama’s potential reactions to it weren’t bad enough.
The cost of tuition for full-time students at Harvard University for the 2022–2023 academic year is $54,768. When you include board, your increase is considerably greater. Harvard undoubtedly looks to favor the wealthy, even though the Ivy League institution accepts financial help and has recently garnered news for the breadth of its financial aid strategy. Not an exception is Rory Farquharson.
According to The Telegraph, the famous English boarding school Rugby School costs £11,584 ($14,339) every term. To be sure, it’s not exactly pocket change. The mansion where Farquharson spent a large portion of his formative years is reportedly a £1.6 million ($2.27 million) residence in Martlesham, Suffolk, according to The Telegraph. However, the magazine also mentions a Farquharson property in London, indicating that this is not the family’s main residence.
The Farquharson family appears to be doing rather well financially with a son at Harvard, an executive father, and a mother who is both an accountant and a layperson for London’s Upper Tribunal.
The Obama home was already crowded in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, but it only got busier when Malia’s boyfriend, Rory Farquharson, moved in. Her father, Barack, revealed on The Bill Simmons Podcast that they welcomed in Malia’s British boyfriend and the entire family, including Michelle, Sasha, and Malia, spent some time in quarantine together.
Obama said on the podcast, “And I didn’t want to like him, but he’s a decent kid,” adding, “There was this entire visa process, he had a job set up, so we took him in.” Obama revealed that he played card games with his daughters and Malia’s boyfriend while he was in quarantine. Obama also stated that despite the fact that things went mostly according to plan, he was taken aback by Farquharson’s robust appetite. “It’s strange to watch young men eat, Obama said, “but that’s the only thing you find out about them. Additionally, my grocery bill increased by roughly 30%.”
Michelle Obama enjoys watching her daughters mature. This was made clear when Malia, her eldest child, invited her boyfriend over to meet her parents, former president Barack and Michelle Obama.
“She said on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in April 2022, “Being with them as grownups is fantastic. They liked the Jonas Brothers. Adult guys are now being brought home. They used to only be in pop bands, but now they also have girlfriends and actual lives.” Rory Farquharson, Malia’s boyfriend, wasn’t specifically mentioned by name by Obama during the TV interview.