The woman could never suspect this could happen when she had a kid thanks to a sperm donor…

A mother met and fell in love with her daughter’s biological father more than ten years after giving birth.

Aaron Long and Jessica Share first met more than ten years ago when she chose him as a sperm donor for her now 13-year-old daughter, Alice. According to Jessica Share, they started dating last year.

Long said of their connection, “It’s kind of like I’m living in a science fiction story.

In the middle of the 1990s, Long donated sperm; in 2005, Share chose his sperm to have a child with her female partner in Ohio, claiming she was originally drawn to his sperm donor profile.

You create a psychological story about your principles and sort of put them on, treating it like a dating profile, Share advised. What kind of person might not only share our beliefs because I don’t believe those are inherited, but also be drawn to similar things so that we can all go on enjoyable family adventures on Saturday?

Share claims that shortly after her and her wife’s divorce, her daughter began tinkering around on the DNA testing website 23 and Me. Alice made a connection with her biological father there, who soon started communicating with her mother.

Long and Share ultimately made the decision to meet.

“when we actually met. I dunno, the allures are tougher for either of us to resist “Long spoke.

Share acknowledged that she was still guarded, stating that “this was not my relationship or my journey to plunge into and mess things forever.”
Currently sharing a house in Seattle with Long, Share, and Alice. Long, though, is the biological father of many more children, though he admits it’s “extremely difficult to say” just how many.

I did some really lousy math, and I came up with a maximum of 67,” he said. “Hard to say,” you say.

The upcoming documentary “Forty Dollars a Pop” will include scenes with several of Long’s kids, including his daughter Maddie and son Bryce, who is now serving in the military.

Despite the fact that I won’t be these kids’ parents, Long said, “I feel like I can be their pals and, I dunno, just someone for them to look at and think about when they contemplate nurture and nature questions.”

Watch their story in the video below:

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