Chris Pratt surprises everyone revealing why he will never play Indiana Jones…

Chris Pratt worries that if he portrays Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford’s spirit will follow him.

Chris Pratt dispelled the rumors that he was considering replacing Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, and he did so for a very intriguing reason.

Pratt claimed that it would never happen during a recent appearance on the “Happy Sad Confused” podcast when asked about taking over Harrison Ford’s legendary part in any future remakes of the movie.

The “Jurassic World Dominion” actor continued by saying that the reason he will always decline the part of the renowned archeologist is because he believes that if he accepts, Ford’s ghost will return to torment him.

On the podcast, Pratt questioned, “No, aren’t they doing ‘Indiana Jones’ with Harrison Ford? “I don’t even know if it was truly Harrison Ford, but I once saw a quote that said, “When I die, Indiana Jones dies,” and that was all I remember. And if I play…, will I eventually get haunted by Harrison Ford’s spirit once he passes away?”

January an appearance on in 2019 “Ford stated, “I’m Indiana Jones,” making it apparent that he is the one and only Indiana Jones on “The Today Show. He disappears as I go. It’s simple.” This limits the potential for a replacement to take over and personalize the position.

Ford’s continued interest in the part indicates that he has a strong connection to Indiana Jones. It was amazing to see that he recently made a comeback for the franchise’s fifth entry, according to co-star Antonio Banderas.

In an interview with USA Today published earlier this year, Banderas said, “The first day I came, I was in the makeup trailer and I looked around and there he was in the complete Indiana costume with the hat and the whip.” “I vividly recall the excitement of the audience when I first saw “Indiana Jones” in a theater. I remarked, “This is like returning to the classic adventure movies in a whole new way.”

Despite Pratt’s declaration that he would never play the franchise’s protagonist, the actor is no stranger to appearing in successful blockbuster franchise movies. He presently plays the main character in the third “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie, and he frequently makes cameos in other Marvel movies. In the most recent “Jurassic World” trilogy, he also played the principal role.

The third “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie is scheduled to premiere on May 5, 2023, and the fifth “Indiana Jones” movie is scheduled for release on June 30, 2023.

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