Pink hands the microphone to a 12-year-old, who then astounds her with her voice…

People don’t often get the chance to perform with their favorite performer. In actuality, the majority of individuals won’t ever have this chance. That’s why it felt like a distant fantasy in 2018 when 12-year-old Victoria Anthony announced on Twitter that she wanted to meet the famous pop diva Pink and sing at her forthcoming Vancouver show.

Victoria has been singing since she was very little and is a self-taught musician. You won’t believe that the youngster, who is only 12 years old, has so much experience with music because of the quality of her voice. She can even sing while playing the guitar and keyboard.

People weren’t sure what to make of her when she posted a video to Twitter, asking to sing at Pink’s next show, and even included the pop diva in the post. Victoria’s voice, however, swiftly spread, and before long she was mentioned on news programs and had gone popular online!

She wasn’t sure Pink had even heard her message, despite this. She assumed that because the pop singer was so busy, she probably ignored the message or never received it.

Because of this, Pink’s Vancouver performance at the Rogers Arena on May 12 caught Victoria and her mother off guard. Pink abruptly stopped midway through her set to enquire if Victoria was in the audience. Victoria had the opportunity to meet her idol and even perform in front of her! In addition, Pink was completely stunned by Victoria’s incredible voice.

Pink interrupted the concert in the video, which was uploaded to Victoria’s Twitter and YouTube accounts, and inquired as to if Victoria was present. She stated: “Are you the person I read about in the news, then? Is that you singing?” Pink enquired if Victoria and her mother wanted to come sing anything when they confirmed that she was, in fact, that girl. Victoria and her mother were in the front row of the standing area directly in front of the stage, but Pink chose to approach them because they were unable to leave and enter the stage. Pink joked that Victoria shouldn’t pass out at that very moment because she was so excited.

Pink arrived at Victoria and presented herself as Alecia, her actual name. You can sing anything you want, she remarked after asking if she wanted to sing. Victoria made up her mind right away that she wanted to sing “Perfect” despite being visibly uneasy. It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her to perform live in front of thousands of people while singing for her favorite pop musician.

The song was then started by Victoria, and the voice that emerged was far more talented than her years. Even Pink was impressed right away. She mouthed the word “Wow” several times, and her expressions spoke for itself. The fact that Victoria performed so well acoustically and in front of a packed stadium is simply astounding. Her ability was apparent.

Pink gave Victoria a great embrace and told her to “Never stop” after her outstanding performance. The most inspiring thing for a young girl must be to hear those words from her hero. Pink then enquired after Victoria’s age and said:

Oh my god, when I was 12 I sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Pink once more thanked Victoria before returning to the stage to carry on with the performance. Victoria’s mother caught her daughter’s total shock on camera in the meantime. She probably didn’t even have time to process everything that had transpired in that split second, but thankfully she had the footage to relive the experience time and time again.

Victoria shared the video on her Twitter and YouTube accounts, and more than 16.5 million people have watched it on YouTube since then! Not only did Victoria get the chance of a lifetime, but millions of others all across the world have continued to enjoy and remember the event. It must be amazing to feel like that. Many people remarked on Pink’s consideration in allowing Victoria to sing. Someone wrote:

“It’s incredibly kind of artists to allow audience members to sing like that in front of such a large crowd. The experience and Pink’s generosity will stay with that girl forever. It’s really endearing to see Josh Groban do the same thing.”

Watch the video below:

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Pink hands the microphone to a 12-year-old, who then astounds her with her voice…
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