He had no one to go to prom with, so a brilliant idea come up… Watch the heartwarming video to know who she was…

Neither of them was ready for that kind of response.

Prom is a fun night for young boys and girls to spend with their dates and friends. It’s a chance to have fun, dance, and have a good time before the end of their school years.
Dakota Wollan, a young man from Watford City, North Dakota, did not look forward to prom night.

He didn’t even know who to ask to join him at the special event.
When the senior in high school told his parents that he didn’t have anyone in mind to ask to the prom, his dad had an idea.

Since Dakota’s great-grandmother had never been to a prom, he thought it would be fun for her grandson to go with her. When the student heard the idea, he had nothing bad to say about it.

He thought that taking his beloved great grandmother would be an honor and a night they would never forget.
After giving it some thought, he realized it was the best idea ever.

So, he planned a proper promposal to ask his grandma.
“She gave me this old truck. It’s a 1985 Ford that she gave to me, and I fixed it up and got it running again. So, I put a sign on that truck,” he said.

The 92-year-old woman was shocked when she saw the sign.

She couldn’t figure out why a young man would want to spend such a special night with an older woman.

Madeline Miller, Wollan’s great-grandmother, said, “I was just wondering why he would want a 92-year-old to go to prom with him when there are so many young girls in the school.”

She said “yes,” though. After all, Dakota had told him that he wouldn’t go if she didn’t. So, she didn’t have much of a choice.
She told the news organization that she had never been to prom.

In fact, she couldn’t remember if something like that existed back in her time.

Miller said that she only spent a year and a half in high school because her father got sick and she had to help out on the farm.
So, this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see what all the fuss about prom is about.

When the big day finally came, the two were ready to have the best time of their lives.

When they walked into the hall, everyone looked at them right away.
Boys and girls couldn’t help but look at them and cheer for them.

Miller remembered the night as a time when he was walking with his great grandson and listening to music while people clapped and hollered around him.

As her great-grandson said, the other students were happy to see them, too.

“Everyone went crazy when we walked out on the floor,” Wallon said.
The couple’s dance was the best part of the show, and it made many people cry.

What a powerful moment!

Watch the heartwarming video below

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He had no one to go to prom with, so a brilliant idea come up… Watch the heartwarming video to know who she was…
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