The model was stunning before a mistake ruining her face forever… Watch her story in the video below…

Have you ever heard of Hang Mioku? She had had big dreams of taking over the world as a successful model and singer.

However, she is probably better known to the public now because she made a serious error that permanently damaged her face.

Whether we like it or not, our world is heavily focused on appearance, and in my opinion, the standards of beauty have gotten more and more extreme over time. Unfortunately, many beauty ideals are harmful, especially to young people who are constantly exposed to them.

On the other side, many individuals also take pride in their appearance and find it amusing to dress up and wear a lot of makeup. But it’s clear that Korean beauty Hang Mioku went too far in her behavior. She represents the fascination with plastic surgery for many people in a tragic way.

We must look back to her childhood to comprehend how she came to be in a situation where images of her face quickly disseminated over the globe.

According to Biography Tribune, Hang was born on July 8, 1963, in South Korea, making this summer her 59th birthday.

Although little is known about her early years, we do know that Hang was raised in South Korea. Some accounts claim that she chose to pursue a career in the entertainment industry rather than enrolling in college.

In South Korea’s commercial campaigns during the 1980s, Hang worked as a model. She worked as a singer and also had a lovely voice. Given her modeling background, it becomes sense that Hang’s attention to appearance grew over time. Building and maintaining your appearance as a model is essentially a 24/7 job in and of itself.

Older photos of Hang show her as a naturally lovely young woman with long dark hair, gorgeous dark eyes, and a contagious grin.

She seemed dissatisfied with her appearance though. So she had her first plastic surgery when she was 28 years old. She underwent more and more surgery since it soon became addictive to her.

South Korea, which has the highest per capita rate of cosmetic surgery in the world, is where she had her first procedure done. The metropolis, Seoul, is frequently referred to as the world’s center for plastic surgery. There are 500 aesthetic centers in Seoul’s Gangnam neighborhood alone.

Hang was probably also impacted by the spike in plastic surgery in South Korea because she grew up in a very competitive society and lives in Seoul, where people are packed close together. People continually compare themselves, which is one of the reasons plastic surgery has grown so common in the nation.

But Hang traveled to Japan after having her first operation in Korea. She kept laying the knife down, but issues quickly started to appear.

She looked worse as a result of several surgeries on her face that went wrong. Her parents did not recognize their daughter when she returned home to see them. Hang received assistance at the hospital after her parents recognized something was seriously wrong with her. She most likely struggled with mental illness and sought treatment, but was compelled to stop when the family couldn’t afford it.

Instead, she returned to have additional cosmetic surgery.

Hang still wanted to do more even though her skin and face were a disaster. She was obviously fixated. She had to locate a plastic surgeon who would work with her, as most medical professionals were aware that Hang was unwell.

However, she soon came across someone who handed her a vial of silicone from a gray market. Hang was told by the “doctor” that she could inject the silicone herself, which she did to horrific effect.

But Hang, who is claimed to have two kids, continued with her trials using food she made at home. She thought she could use cooking oil on her face when she ran out of silicone and cash, which was a terrible idea.

Hang entirely lost his ability to be recognized after injecting the oil. Children who saw her and noticed the damage the oil had done on her face made jokes about Hang. Because of the way her bloated face was propped up on her little bottle, they dubbed her the “standing fan.”

Hang sought medical assistance after attracting increasingly much attention. She received numerous gifts, which allowed her to finally afford some important surgeries. 2008 saw the removal of 60 grams off her face and 200 grams from her neck by medical professionals.

However, despite ten surgery, Hang still has scars, and sadly, she has suffered serious disfigurement. Today, she works at The Beautiful Shop, a retailer of repurposed clothing.

Since Hang hasn’t been in the news in a while, it’s difficult to find out how she’s feeling or what she’s up to. She doesn’t use social media and hasn’t in a very long time.

Watch her video below:

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