VIDEO: The judge was taken aback by a teenager’s statement during the adoption process, and it went on to win over 15M hearts online…

“Somehow destiny comes into play. These children end up with you and you end up with them. It’s something quite magical.” – Nicole Kidman
The act of fostering is not simple. You have to make room in your heart and home for a kid who is fearful, reserved, and sometimes even emotionally broken. You have a responsibility to do all in your power to demonstrate to these children that there are other people who are ready to love and care for them.

The day will eventually come when we must release them from our care. It is never simple, but doing it out of love and compassion is a very honorable gesture.

Dayshawn and his younger brother Michael were taken up as foster children by Sara Cozad and Stuart Shank.
After living together as a family for a few years, the couple finally came to the conclusion that their foster parenting attempt had been successful. They are at a point where they can no longer tolerate the prospect of losing these two gorgeous children.

They made the decision to adopt Dayshawn, who was 13 at the time, as well as his younger brother Michael, who was 6 at the time.

A brief video segment that showed Sara, Stuart, and the kids was shown on CBS News.

The judge had asked the little kid whether he thought they should go through with the adoption when the video went viral. He gave a happy nod and smile.

Even more, he boasted that his foster family loved both him and his brother just as much as they loved them.

The words that he said moved the judge, and he remarked that it was an excellent argument.
Dayshawn continued by explaining that he had a lot of affection for Sara and Stuart, and that he was quite grateful to have a foster family.

The happiness on the face of the boy undoubtedly brought a smile to the face of the judge.
The second issue that she posed to Dayshawn and Michael was whether or not they were prepared to make a commitment to the adoption process.

Have a listen to this teenager’s speech that he gave during the adoption process down below!

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VIDEO: The judge was taken aback by a teenager’s statement during the adoption process, and it went on to win over 15M hearts online…
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