The family adopted 3 borthers but couldn’t take the fourth… Watch the video to know what happened later…

After their family’s neighbor adopted the infant, three brothers who had spent years in foster care finally got the chance to adore and grow up alongside their baby brother. The entire story is here.

Families that want to adopt children who have not only lost their parents but have also been abandoned and neglected by their biological parents and ended up in foster homes are treated with the highest care.

Adopting three children revealed to Julia Washington and her family how much love they had to give. Washington and her husband had long desired to start a family of their own.

The couple already had two biological children, but they were looking forward to welcoming more children into their family through adoption. So when the couple welcomed three siblings in 2015 — Michael, six, Jess, five, and Cameron, four — they were overjoyed.

The Washingtons received some tragic news, despite the fact that the siblings were thrilled with their new home. Elijah, the baby brother of the three children, was still in the system and at risk of remaining in foster care if no home could be found.

The couple couldn’t stomach the thought of separating the boys, but their options were limited because their family was already huge, and one of the children was suffering from cerebral palsy and required extra care. According to Washington, “It broke my heart, but I didn’t think we’d be able to pull it off. We’d grown from two to five children, one of whom had special needs. I just worried that we’d be overburdened and that someone would go unnoticed.”

Washington dialed a neighbor and friend at that same moment, who arrived with a valuable present. Jay Houston realized that her neighbors couldn’t ignore the story of 17-month-old Elijah, so she volunteered to adopt him.

Houston, a mother of six who had previously adopted, welcomed Elijah into her home on September 15, 2015. She finalized the adoption after six months of living with the child, and the 17-month-old became a member of Houston’s family.

Houston said during an interview with ABC News that she adopted Elijah shortly after Washington adopted the child’s brothers. In addition, the Southern Georgia resident stated:

“They’re all aware that they’re brothers, and they’ll have the opportunity to grow up together. They don’t reside in the same house, but they do share the same city… It’s an incredible blessing to have the opportunity to be his mother for the rest of my life, and I’m grateful for it.”

After seeing a video of Elijah laughing, smiling, and crawling, Houston said she made the choice to adopt him right away. She snapped a picture of the little boy and his three siblings on the day of the adoption to commemorate the fact that all four boys had found homes.

Houston, a mother of two biological and four adoptive children, told the site that foster children were mistreated.

She later clarified that they were simply children in need of affection and that her adopted children had altered her and her husband’s lives.

Michael, Jess, Cameron, and Elijah can spend as much time as they want with each other thanks to Houston’s kindness, swimming in an ocean of love and acceptance.

Watch the adorable video below:

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The family adopted 3 borthers but couldn’t take the fourth… Watch the video to know what happened later…
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