This hilarious little “fight” over stealing a lunch in an office has gone viral… Check out the photos to see how many people are involved…

A furious office worker’s request to a coworker to stop snatching their food from the refrigerator has resulted in a funny note war between the two.

Due to the humorous material on the A4 notes pinned to the fridge door of an office kitchen, they have gone viral on a New Zealand radio Facebook page.

What begins as a simple request to the owner of the ‘turkey and Swiss on Rye’ to stop stealing their lunch quickly escalates into an anonymous office stand-off with multiple demands being traded.

The fight between the two office workers began with a passive-aggressive note.

The anonymous thief’s initial demand irritates the sandwich thief even more.

The owner of the “Turkey and Swiss on Rye” has threatened to bring HR into the conversation once more.

The first of numerous passive-aggressive messages reads, ‘To the individual who keeps stealing my sandwiches (Turkey and Swiss with mayo on Rye)….’

“Stop robbing other people’s belongings!!!”

The thief then makes a series of requests, like paying $10 and leaving it in the fridge in exchange for the person’s meal, or they’ll ‘never see it again again.’

The thief, a male, publishes a photo of himself holding a chunk of the ‘Turkey and Swiss on Rye’ – one of many pictures he posts of himself holding it to prove he has it.

He further enrages “Turkey and Swiss on Rye,” who threatens the thief with human resources action since he refuses to heed the sandwich owner’s instruction to be a responsible adult.’

Before “Tina from HR” enters with a note to the sandwich proprietor, the dialogue loses its professionalism and becomes increasingly personal.

Tina writes, “Please return the sandwich to the owner, and we will not pursue this further.”

“Buy me a pizza,” says the crook.

Tina replies, “No.”

The picture of the sandwich thief threatening to eat the person’s lunch until they put $10 in the refrigerator.

The disappointed sandwich vendor inquires…

More proof that the man is the owner of the sandwich

Tina’s note appears on the fridge door when the owner follows through on his threat to contact HR.

The criminal pushes his demands all the way to the top.

Who would have guessed? Tina is adamant.

The three-way conversation continues until the thief uploads a lengthy note accompanied by an image of an empty plate, indicating that he has completely consumed the sandwich.

When Tina traces the printed A4 sheets back to his account, the suspected thief, ‘Francis,’ is ultimately discovered.

‘Francis, we went through the office printer queue and tracked down the requests to your desk. Could you kindly come meet me as soon as possible?’

Francis grovels for his job with a simple one-line appeal requesting not to be fired at the end of the comical letter battle.

‘Please don’t terminate me,’ says the employee.

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This hilarious little “fight” over stealing a lunch in an office has gone viral… Check out the photos to see how many people are involved…
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