A stray cat appears outside a man’s window begging to be let in… Watch the video to know what he did…

Winter is the most difficult season for stray cats. So Chunk Chunk, a stray cat in Brooklyn’s neighborhood, devised a unique strategy to assist him in surviving the winter.

Early this week, Nathaniel Styer was working from home when he noticed the tabby cat Chunk Chunk outside his apartment window. Scratching and rubbing on the window, the cat. He appeared to want to come in from the cold.

Styer realized he needed to do something to ensure the unfortunate cat’s safety and warmth. He allowed him in by opening the window. To avoid his dog, he put him in the bathroom.

Becerra, Styer’s wife, is a sweet woman who is always willing to aid stray cats and encourages others to do the same. As a result, they chose to foster Chunk until he could find a new family.

Fortunately, the sweet cat has already been spayed and will never have to face the cold New York days again. They’ve reached out to the ASPCA to find Chunk Chunk a forever home because she seems to prefer the interior to the outdoors.

Watch the video here:

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A stray cat appears outside a man’s window begging to be let in… Watch the video to know what he did…
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