Meet this rare male tortie cat with a touching life story… Check out what’s unique about him below…

In Spain, a tortie cat had been living on the streets for about ten years. That is, until he was discovered by a kind-hearted woman.

Cristina resolved to do something to assist him. After all, what cat wouldn’t want to have a happy life?

Cristina Piapia, an animal rescuer in Spain, said, “When I met Creasy, I didn’t know his precise age at the time, but the neighborhood informed me he was roughly 12 years old and had been abandoned by his family.”

“People in my neighborhood only offer them food. In this village, there are a lot of cats.”

Cristina assumed the cat was female because it was a tortie cat. When she eventually tried to catch the cat, she realized that wasn’t the case.

Cristina said, “I was really startled because I had never seen a male cat with these colors.”

Finding a male tortoiseshell anywhere is extremely rare, as only one in every 3,000 tortoises is male. These unusual cats usually contain an extra X chromosome (XXY), a trait known as Klinefeltersyndrome in humans.

Cristina realized even more clearly that this beautiful cat deserved the finest life had to give.

They discovered Creasy was FIV+ after finally getting him to the vet’s office.

He also required the majority of his teeth extracted.

Cristina ultimately took this lovely kitty in to foster him until he could find a new forever home! Creasy, who had once been a street cat, was now living like a king in the lap of luxury!

Creasy has finally found his forever home.

Creasy appears to not be the only pet in the new home, although he is the oldest.

Cristina explained, “They nicknamed Greasy the grandfather.”

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Meet this rare male tortie cat with a touching life story… Check out what’s unique about him below…
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