A kind woman organizes a meeting of a cat with her former owner, and their reaction is the sweetest…

Tony used to have a nice cat named Chicken Little. She adores her human father, but Tony suffered a stroke and was rushed to an ICU ward at a hospital.

This meant he would no longer be able to care for his cat. Despite his affection for his cat, he understood he would have to find her a new home where she could be properly cared for.

Tony’s neighbors were temporarily caring for Chicken Little, so they started seeking for a new home for her.

Amanda was on the waiting list to become a cat foster mom, so she took Little in. She quickly fell in love with the cat and decided to adopt her after a few days.

Tony was transferred from the ICU to a nursing facility where he could receive the care and help he required at the same time Chicken Little moved to her new home.

Chicken Little is happy with Amanda, but she misses Tony terribly, so Amanda sneaked her into the nursing home to pay her a visit. Because she realized Tony referred to her as his Little Angel, Amanda created the nickname Chicken Little for her.

The home didn’t accept pets, but they made an exception for this unique visitor. Amanda was let out of her carrier a little once she was in Tony’s room.

She was shy at first, but as soon as she saw her old father, she ran up to give him leg massages and snuggles.

Tony was overjoyed to see her and relieved to be reunited with his Little Angel once more.

Amanda hopes that these trips will become more frequent, with the hope of seeing them once or twice a month. We can only hope!

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A kind woman organizes a meeting of a cat with her former owner, and their reaction is the sweetest…
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