After 13 years of imprisonment, a rescued circus lion touches grass for the first time in his life… Watch his joy and excitement in the video below…

Rancho dos Gnomos, a Brazilian animal refuge, recently released a film that aroused a mix of pure delight and empathy. Rancho dos Gnomos is a Brazilian animal sanctuary that specializes in wild exotic animal rehabilitation.

They have a professional and well-trained staff. They wish to help animals, especially those that are normally wild but have been mistreated in some way because they have not lived in their natural habitat.

The video features Will, a 13-year-old Lion. His entire life has been spent in a circus. He has spent his entire life on stage and on the road. He has no expertise with natural surfaces because he has never lived in the woods. Because he has spent his entire existence in cages, he has only experienced concrete or metal surfaces.

This is one of the reasons why this video is so unique and moving. Will’s first steps into dirt and grass were caught on camera for the first time in his life.

This was undoubtedly a refreshing experience for him after spending his entire life in a cage.

Will had never experienced what it was like to live a normal life. He was expected to take some time acclimating to his new surroundings and situations. He was ecstatic and elated at the idea of being familiar with soil and grass, much to everyone’s surprise.

With his paws, he massaged the soil and grass. He was intrigued and charmed by its suppleness. After 13 years of confinement and circus life, he was finally near nature in his natural habitat, free of the cage bars. He raced and tumbled around in the grass, expressing his emotions despite his age.

Will was released from the circus in 2006 and adopted by Rancho dos Gnomos, as depicted in this movie. However, it was only recently released.

Will died in 2011, after spending his years in this world, but knowing that he was able to enjoy his life before going away is consoling.

“He lived in peace for five years until he died.” While he was there, he was free to mix with other lions. “He loved to lie in the grass and look up at the sky,” said Marcos Pompeo, the sanctuary’s creator.

Anyone with even a smidgeon of humanity and goodness will be moved by this video. The crew at Ranchos dos Gnomos deserves respect for creating a secure home for such animals and providing excellent care. Will’s reaction to his release in this video only emphasizes Ranchos dos Gnomos’ significance.

Check out this video, but be warned: it will make you cry and make you sad.

Watch the video here:

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After 13 years of imprisonment, a rescued circus lion touches grass for the first time in his life… Watch his joy and excitement in the video below…
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