The students ask people to not feed the orange cat, and they give a good reasoning… Read on below to know why…

When your favorite furry pals ask for a bite of your food, it’s difficult to say no. And, of course, sharing food with them makes you completely joyful. However, a California college is warning students not to feed their campus cat because he is becoming obese.

“Cheeto, the ginger cat who frequents the Physics building, is becoming to resemble a cheese puff. Please don’t give him any food. They said on their Facebook page, “He’s overweight, and squirrels consume the extra food.”

Cheeto is an orange hefty cat who lives in the physics building at the college. Because all of the pupils adore him, they constantly pet him and feed him. Cheeto has become far too overweight as a result of this, and his voracious desire must be stifled. As a result, the students on campus devised an innovative and amusing graph to prevent everyone from feeding him and causing him health problems.

“His name is Cheeto, and every morning he gets a DESIGNATED feeder from the physics department!” We like this cat because he gives us emotional support when Physics breaks our hearts. Please do not feed him, no matter how much he begs, because he has become far too overweight. He’ll also beg. Because he is well aware that we are fools! In addition, the squirrels enjoy eating the additional food, which causes them to develop heart disease (see Figure 1).”

Figure 1: The correlation between Cheeto’s food ratios and squirrel heart disease.

Some Internet users adore the narrative and how the pupils collaborated to design amusing posters and care for Cheeto.

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The students ask people to not feed the orange cat, and they give a good reasoning… Read on below to know why…
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