People were complaining about a stray cat hanging around a law firm, so here’s what they decided…

The stray animal population is one of the most serious issues we face in many areas throughout the world. While many individuals and organizations work tirelessly to aid these animals, not everyone is fond of them.

After a particularly strong downpour, Leon, a stray cat, decided to seek cover to avoid the storm. He moved into the Brazilian Order of Attorneys and made it his new home.

When the friendly cat began approaching building guests, however, some of them became enraged and began submitting complaints about the cat being in the reception area. They said that the kitten was in the way and that no serious institution could accommodate him.

The OAB, on the other hand, came up with an excellent approach to prevent these objections. They recruited the cat and issued him an employee badge as a lawyer.

Whether the newcomers like it or not, the cat will be in charge of greeting them. The positive news rapidly went viral as Dr. Jeanette Laredo published it on social media.

Dr. Leon the lawyer Cat is now well-known, with over 50,000 Instagram followers who follow him to learn about his exploits and animal law.

“We’re finishing up the paperwork to start an animal rights organization.” Instituto Dr. Leon is its name. We will pay the NGOs in town because we are unable to accommodate all of the animals. We will set a good example for Brazil.”

“Today, he is cherished by all. Even those who disliked him grew accustomed to his presence and enjoyed their time with him.

President Auriney’s sofa is his favorite spot, and he enjoys playing with his toys,” the lawyer cat’s supporters revealed, adding that the employee is fed ordinary cat food.

Dr. Leon has a second opportunity at a full and happy life because of the Office of Attorneys’ assistance and affection.

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People were complaining about a stray cat hanging around a law firm, so here’s what they decided…
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