Meet Henry and Baloo, the endearing team that has wowed audiences with their picturesque Western escapades. Cynthia Bennett and Andre Sibilsky, who own this extraordinarily close pair of dogs, document their antics on social media.
Henry, a rescue dog, was the first to arrive. Cynthia and Andre wanted a high-energy pup that they could take on lengthy hikes and camping adventures from Colorado to California. Henry blended right in with his confident, humorous demeanor and energetic lifestyle. He leaped up the boulders like a mountain goat the first time they brought him climbing.
Hiking and mountain exploration are two of his favorite pursuits. Yet because he’s a big softie with significant separation anxiety, Cynthia and Andre decided to look for a calm but active cat who could keep Henry company while also keeping up with him on the route.
Baloo was rescued from a cat shelter when his mother abandoned the litter, and he quickly bonded with Henry. Henry, on the other hand, was unsure. The whole family went hiking five days after Baloo arrived, and Henry learned that Baloo enjoyed exploring just as much as he did. Cynthia had previously arranged a camping vacation to Telluride, Colorado, with Henry, and she had brought Baloo along. As they say, that was the start of a wonderful animal friendship.
“Telluride was such a special trip for us,” Cynthia says, “because it was there that Henry and Baloo genuinely became friends.” Henry enjoys exploring the outdoors and camping with us, and Baloo accompanied him on his adventures. Henry was ecstatic to see Baloo when I brought him out of his sleeping bag in the morning.”
Baloo was exhausted one day on the trail, so Cynthia placed him on Henry’s neck on the spur of the moment. “Baloo just hung there, draped over Henry’s head and neck.” And Henry didn’t seem to mind. ” How could you not photograph that?
Cynthia adds, “We hoped to produce something that would make people smile and have a positive impact on other people’s life.” “New photos and stories about Henry and Baloo’s first few months together are included in the book. We felt it was critical to send the message that love is universal.”
The retail items, on the other hand, aren’t just for amusement. Cynthia and Andre founded the Henry and Baloo Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a mission to protect 1,000 acres of property across the West and assist in the reforestation of land that has been ravaged by wildfires.
“Thousands of acres of natural land have been sold or are unprotected across the West,” Cynthia explains. “5% of all sales go to the foundation, which helps to maintain the area for animals.” We frequently hike the land as a means of giving back to future generations.” They’ve also teamed up with the forestry charity One Tree Planted.
Watch the video about their lovely bond below: