This young lady takes her cat’s care very seriously.
As a result, when she left for a week, she did what many devoted pet owners do: she wrote down instructions for her cat sitter – her boyfriend.
She left her boyfriend with precise instructions on how to care for her cat, Tia.
While many people believe that caring for pets is simple, the girl does not agree. That’s why she left her boyfriend a long and amusing list of “cat rules” he must follow if he wants to see her again.
She simply wants to ensure that Tia, her pet, is well cared for.
This kitty appears to be in serious need. However, if he receives cuddles and attention from the cat in exchange for his efforts, it is well worth it. It may appear to be a lot of labor, but it is simply regular for pet owners.
It doesn’t feel like a lot of work after a time. We would go to any length for our furry buddies. The bare minimum is to clean up their feces and feed them.