The funny video of this little girl teaching her cats how to draw a flower will make you melt and laugh at the same time…

Clarinha, a young girl, can be seen teaching two cats how to draw a flower in a nice and adorable video. This video has so much cuteness in it that it’s no surprise it went popular and received so many adorable and amusing responses!

Douglas Roberto and Jurandir are two nice cats who live in Brazil with their family. Many businesses and schools in Brazil have had to close due to the spread of the coronavirus, and at-home schooling has taken its place.

Clarinha, a young girl who missed her school, teachers, and friends, decided to give her two cats an art lesson at home.

Take a look at the adorable video below. Prepare to melt!

Translation from Brazilian Portuguese: “Any questions, just ask!” “And now, the root.” “Now, the root just like the other side”. “Did you get it? It’s a flower”. “Now draw”. “Did you understand, Douglas Robert? Did you understand, Jurandir?” “Look. Did you get it? This is how you draw a flower.”

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The funny video of this little girl teaching her cats how to draw a flower will make you melt and laugh at the same time…
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