A dog risks everything to save a kitten he found… Watch this touching animal rescue full story below…

When it comes to the animal kingdom, a mother’s love is unparalleled. We’ve heard many stories of a cat who was rescued from a fire and now works in a pet hospital, how a rescued pit bull persuades her to adopt their foster kitten, or how a mother chicken looks after three orphaned kittens. This time, a stray dog who has been barking for days to get attention turns out to be nursing another kitten. Isn’t it really incredible?

Let’s have a look at this incredibly touching story below!

A woman reported hearing a dog barking at North Pointe Creek to Anderson’s Animal Control. Michele Smith, an animal control officer, was dispatched to investigate the strange scene behind the Home Depot.

When she came to a halt on the other side of a gully, she saw a Shi-Tzu dog trapped in the predicament. She came all the way down to help this unfortunate dog. Surprisingly, by the time she reached the bottom of the slope, she had seen the dog nursing a kitten!

She claimed she had never seen a dog nurse a kitten in her 17 years of animal rescue work.

“I believe the dog could have walked down the slope safely. I got down there, so it should be fairly simple for a dog, but I’m assuming it just couldn’t get back up with the kitten, and I don’t believe it [the dog] was prepared to abandon the kitten.” – stated the officer.

“I was really taken aback, but it was also a very joyous moment for me.” – She went on.

As you can see, staying in the ravine proved dangerous for both of them. The dog was believed to have been barking for days in the hopes that someone would hear her SOS and come to their help.

Officer Smith soon apprehended the pair and transported them to the Anderson County P.A.W.S. Workers. The level of camaraderie among the employees astounded everyone. At no point did the Shih-Tzu dog abandon her surrogate child.

The canine continued to groom, nurse, and lick her chatty kitty after they were taken to a safer location.
Officer Smith soon apprehended the pair and transported them to the Anderson County P.A.W.S. Workers. The level of cooperation among the employees astounded everyone.

At no point did the Shih-Tzu dog abandon her surrogate child. The canine continued to groom, nurse, and lick her chatty kitty after they were taken to a safer location.

Watch the full story here:

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A dog risks everything to save a kitten he found… Watch this touching animal rescue full story below…
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