This tiny little kitty was dramatically rescued from a wall and given an interesting name…

When mewing could be heard from inside a Belfast bar’s cavity wall, the quick-thinking bar supervisor knew what to do.

When Patrick Gormley called Cats Protection’s Belfast Adoption Centre, they were able to send a member of staff out to investigate right away.

They noticed there was no way to get to the poor kitty when they got to the Shamrock Sports and Social Club, so they called the help of the adjacent Westland Fire Station.

The kitten’s cries led the firefighters to it, and they started to work removing a concrete block from the bottom of the wall to obtain access.

Thankfully, the four-week-old kitten, now known as Macavity, was saved just in time, suffering just minor injuries as a result of her adventure. She might not have lived if she had been trapped for a few more hours.

Belfast Adoption Centre Manager Bel Livingstone remarked, “The outcome could have been so different if it hadn’t been for the humane efforts of Bar Supervisor, Patrick.”

“Unfortunately, abandoned kittens like Macavity are all too common for us, and we would advise owners to neuter their pets because they are prolific breeders.” One unneutered cat can have up to 18 babies every year, thus neutering will assist to avoid additional unwanted kittens in the future.”

Macavity was brought to the vets after breaking free from the wall, where she was syringe-fed and nurtured back to health.

Since then, that tiny shivering kitten has matured into a joyful, energetic, and well-loved feline.

Joanne Reid and her son Matthew are charmed with the new addition to their family, and she happily spends her days snoozing and playing with their other cat Paddy.

“Macavity is doing fantastic,” Joanne added. “She’s fit right in with our family and house.” She enjoys being outside climbing trees, but she also enjoys a morning lie-in.

“She came home with Paddy, and the two of them enjoy chasing each other around the garden and grooming each other afterwards.”

“She is quite cuddly, but when it comes to bedtime, she is very good at hiding and is definitely not a morning person.” Paddy gets up early, but she always needs ‘another 10 minutes.'”

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This tiny little kitty was dramatically rescued from a wall and given an interesting name…
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