The cat was trying to apologize, and what he did after being ignored will make you laugh hard… Watch the video below to have some fun…

Cats, like other animals, feel guilty, but not remorse. Cats rarely if ever express regret for their acts.

So, if a cat tries to apologize, it’s preferable to accept it promptly and move on.

Perhaps one of the cats in the video below has done something terrible and wants to be forgiven for it.

The second kitty, on the other hand, is entirely unconcerned about the sorry advances.

Let’s have a look at the video to see what the cat did after it wasn’t forgiven:

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The cat was trying to apologize, and what he did after being ignored will make you laugh hard… Watch the video below to have some fun…
A group of kids rescued a kitten who had been dumped on the side of the road in casts…