These two poor cats’ legs were disabled beacuse of maltreatment, but they found a way to even play…

While conquering illnesses and disabilities is a significant achievement for anyone, it is even more so for animals.

They, too, must learn to live with crippling injuries that they were born with or got as a result of maltreatment.

Meet Paddywhack and Mohawk, two crippled cats discovered on the side of the road in a cardboard box. They were not only abandoned and allowed to make their own way, but they also couldn’t utilize their hind legs.

Paddywhack and Mohawk were discovered together. They’d been thrown away in a cardboard box. Their hind legs were totally disabled. Years of torture, their rescuers suspected, had caused their disability!

Concerned, the rescuers transported them to Toronto Cat Rescue, an emergency clinic. After a series of X-rays, the vets discovered that the cats had not been injured, but rather were born with paralyzed hind legs.

Heather Brown, executive director of Toronto Cat Rescue, brought them home and shortly discovered that their injuries didn’t stop them from moving around and playing!

Heather is convinced that the previous owner gave up on them because of their handicap.

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These two poor cats’ legs were disabled beacuse of maltreatment, but they found a way to even play…
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