Until his angel came to his rescue, this kitten with no back legs was struggling to survive…

He dragged himself around for over 9 weeks without his back legs, attempting to stay alive. Fortunately, he was always close to his brother.

If you enjoy miracle survival stories, you will enjoy this one because it is without a doubt one of the greatest. It’s not every day that you hear about a two-legged kitty who spent over nine weeks in the woods fighting for his life and slowly starving to death before recovering like Cassidy.

He was discovered in British Columbia’s forests, having been born into a wild colony. After spotting him and his sibling, a property owner contacted the Tiny Kittens rescue center, and he spent two days attempting to capture them with an improvised box trap. Cassidy is thought to have lost his back legs soon after birth, leaving him unable to locate food and drink on his own.

Somehow he was dragged around but he was slowly starved to death. Topper, his brother, assisted him in finding food and keeping him warm. The bond was probably so strong that Topper stayed on his side until they were both rescued.

They were both brought to the Tiny Kittens rescue center at the beginning of September. They were both flea-infested and underweight, but Topper was marginally less so than Cassidy, who was severely malnourished (he weighed less than 500 grams). Aside from it, he had a bad septic E. Both stumps had E. coli infection. Most veterinary facilities would have euthanized him, but Shelly Roche of the rescue center believed he was intended to live if he had gotten that far:

“We’re not sure how he survived for 9 weeks without his hind legs, but his tiny body wouldn’t have lasted more than a day or two longer.” He was nearly starved to death since both of his stumps were terribly infected. The prognosis was initially bleak, but he’s a tiny fighter who is gradually demonstrating to all of us how much he wants to survive!”

Roche learned to manually express his bladder because he couldn’t pee on his own. He needed a lot of medicines and fluids at first, and he had to be syringe-fed every few hours. He now utilizes a litter box that was specifically constructed for him.

They set up a live stream on Cassidy on their website and received a great impact. People gave supplies and money, and he even received three wheelchairs: one from a fan, one from a 3D-printed wheelchair designed by two students, and one from Handicapped Pets Canada, which grows as his body becomes larger.

They are still attempting to obtain implants or prosthetics for him, and they have done everything, even though prosthetic experts have virtually given up. In this regard, his future remains uncertain.

Despite this, Cassidy has triumphed over all odds. He began playing with his brother two weeks after being rescued, however, it had to be in a regulated and supervised manner. Topper looked ecstatic to be able to spend time with Cassidy, and he acted as if he were a protective elder brother.

Topper got him forever home and departed Tiny Kittens a month after they were both rescued. Cassidy is still looking for a committed someone who will provide him with the attention he requires. However, he must first strengthen himself. We’re hoping he’ll find a wonderful home.

“With each passing day, our Cassidy demonstrates to the world just how magnificent he is, and that even the most broken “throwaway” feral kitten deserves a chance to know happiness and love,” says Shelley Roche.

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