This funny cat leads two lives and does this every day…

What could be better than a devoted family? Two wonderful families!

At least, that’s what Tigger appears to have deduced.

Because this sweet cat has decided to make his neighbors’ house his second home.

It all began when John and Alex Sanders accidentally left their door open, allowing an orange kitten to confidently enter their home.

When the weather permits, John and Alex frequently leave their door open, but they’d never had an unexpected visitor before.

Tigger was indifferent about their surprised expressions.

He just greeted them and then went about making himself at home.

John and Alex learned Tigger’s family lived one street over after looking at the weird cat’s collar.

Tigger was returned to his family, but he wasn’t easily deterred.

The next day, John and Alex discovered that the cunning kitten had returned to their residence.

John and Alex decided to let him have his way because they knew he wasn’t truly lost.

As a result, Tigger began paying the couple daily visits – often three times a day.

Tigger, according to John, visits them at least twice a day these days.

Tigger’s family is used to his shenanigans, as he evidently enjoys roaming the neighborhood, and they don’t mind Tigger paying a visit to his new friends.

Tigger is now permitted to sleep over at John and Alex’s house because both families have become accustomed to him doing whatever he wants.

“His parents say Tig just does what he wants, and he’s chosen us,” John explained.

Alex and John are delighted that Tigger likes them so much, despite the fact that they have no idea why.

And Tigger is simply grateful to have a supportive family as well as terrific buddies with whom he can hang out and rely on.

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This funny cat leads two lives and does this every day…
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