This little kitten was discovered stuck in the mud beneath a pile of steel on a cold day… Watch her survival video below…

A man was out on a walk when he came across a local pond and couldn’t believe his eyes. A small kitty was trapped in the mud, unable to move, clearly terrified and attempting to find a way out.

The man realized the poor kitty wouldn’t make it, but if he walked into the mud to save it, he’d get up stuck as well.

When he saw a stick on the ground, he had a wonderful but risky idea. He had to try it since he felt the cat would be able to climb on it. To his amazement, the terrified kitten grabbed the stick and helped him pull it out!

After that, the rescuer bathed the kitty and fed it some food. The tiny kitten seemed to appreciate the assistance in the video. We’re grateful that there are still people on this planet who are ready to help animals in distress.

It turns out that not all heroes do, in fact, wear capes.

Watch the video below:

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This little kitten was discovered stuck in the mud beneath a pile of steel on a cold day… Watch her survival video below…
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