This kitty has a habit of raising her paws anytime she wants… Scroll down for more details…

Peter Mares snapped a picture of his cat throwing her paws in the air one morning. The next day, she did it again, and he fired another shot.

But what exactly is his cat, Keys, up to?! Is she performing a bizarre Yoga stance she watched on TV, or is she worshiping her unseen God? We’re at a loss for words.

Nobody is capable of doing so.

She’s been dubbed Goalkitty by Peter, so we can only assume she’s still celebrating Portugal’s Euro 2016 victory or posing as a goal. She’s either doing the famed “Iceland clap” or she’s attempting to do so.

She needs to keep doing whatever she’s doing because we adore it.

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This kitty has a habit of raising her paws anytime she wants… Scroll down for more details…
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